the only reason why titan has a big hype is because it has a single GPU and comes pretty close to the multi gpu gtx 690..thought it is an amazing accomplishment the price simply does not make any sense coz ur simply paying the same or more than the 690 to get a very close or slightly better performance in "Some games",the difference is like 2 or three frames, thats it !..the 690 beats the titan in many games.
the only reason why titan has a big hype is because it has a single GPU and comes pretty close to the multi gpu gtx 690..thought it is an amazing accomplishment the price simply does not make any sense coz ur simply paying the same or more than the 690 to get a very close or slightly better performance in "Some games",the difference is like 2 or three frames, thats it !..the 690 beats the titan in many games.