it was not adultery.. he was drunk..he sexually assaulted 6 months baby girl and she died... This is not adultery. I have friends who get drunk like dead but never tried to harm anyone. It is your real heart which makes you do things u think before you get drunk.
Death by accidents have different approach. The person who was involved will have shame and will try to compensate to the victims family as much as he can. If it was an accident most of us can assure that he wont repeat the same again but in this case u cant assure it.
Personally If I get drunk and commit that sin I myself will ask government to kill me or hang me cuz the pain of shame would never let me this guy want to be pardon because he has no shame...if he has no shame he will do the same again.
it was not adultery.. he was drunk..he sexually assaulted 6 months baby girl and she died... This is not adultery. I have friends who get drunk like dead but never tried to harm anyone. It is your real heart which makes you do things u think before you get drunk.
Death by accidents have different approach. The person who was involved will have shame and will try to compensate to the victims family as much as he can. If it was an accident most of us can assure that he wont repeat the same again but in this case u cant assure it.
Personally If I get drunk and commit that sin I myself will ask government to kill me or hang me cuz the pain of shame would never let me this guy want to be pardon because he has no shame...if he has no shame he will do the same again.