And that's what must be done. After all if the evil can group together to spread mischief and falsehood, then anyone who intends good must do the same. Of course there are the sacrifices.You may face abuses and threats, you might find yourself ostracized, and people who you thought were your closest of friends might become your foes, but you still must stand up for justice and righteousness. You still must do your part in stopping the evil, and you must then be willing to pay the price.
Not wanting to make this discussion a religious one Nom, but only for a friendly exchanging of knowledge, there is actually a surah in the Quran(albeit a short one) that basically says just this: That by time mankind will be at lost except those who do seek knowledge of the good and bad, then practice what they learn, then enjoin the good and forbid the evil whilst remaining steadfast and patient despite the hardships one may then have to undergo due to doing so.