I can honestly say that I have and am doing my part in trying to bring about unity among those with me, and even those who I can reach via modern technology!
But let me tell you the predicaments one faces in this situation:
Today to explain to someone the difference between good and evil is becoming harder and tougher. The boundaries between falsehood and truth are becoming blurrier to distinguish for many. And the seeds of disagreements and discord is now sown deep and widespread. Not to mention the ultimate evil arrogance and pride that stops many from accepting the truth!
Then you get those who agree with your view and share your sentiments yet are not willing to be a part of your mission due to their own fears, limitations, engagements and priorities.
So what do you do? You then realize again that its truly each man for themselves and just do what you have to do, and somehow hope your protectiveness will catch on.
I can honestly say that I have and am doing my part in trying to bring about unity among those with me, and even those who I can reach via modern technology!
But let me tell you the predicaments one faces in this situation:
Today to explain to someone the difference between good and evil is becoming harder and tougher. The boundaries between falsehood and truth are becoming blurrier to distinguish for many. And the seeds of disagreements and discord is now sown deep and widespread. Not to mention the ultimate evil arrogance and pride that stops many from accepting the truth!
Then you get those who agree with your view and share your sentiments yet are not willing to be a part of your mission due to their own fears, limitations, engagements and priorities.
So what do you do? You then realize again that its truly each man for themselves and just do what you have to do, and somehow hope your protectiveness will catch on.