and maybe it is hard for you to answer, let me rephrase it again,
These differences between man and woman brain tells me that they made on purpose and accordingly it tells me that there are some roles which are good for women and other roles which are good for men.
Your question:
"How do you feel about a man staying at home taking care of the family and the wife going to work?"
Nothing wrong with this if he failed to get a job and nothing a shame of this if he keeps trying to get a job, but if the man is qualified and can get a job and he do not want to work and let his wife work instead then I would not accept it because it is not in line with my culture and beliefs.
second question:
"Do you agree, that if both work it is the duty of the husband to take over/share a certain amount of housework as well as helping with the children?"
This will be good to do but it is not mandatory.