I am more convinced now

10 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains By Amber Hensley 1. Human relationships. 2. Left brain vs. both hemispheres. 3. Mathematical abilities. 4. Reaction to stress. 5. Language. 6. Emotions. Women typically have a larger deep limbic system than men, 7. Brain size. Typically, men’s brains are 11-12% bigger than women’s brains 8. Pain. Men and women perceive pain differently. 9. Spatial ability. Men typically have stronger spatial abilities 10. Susceptibility to disorders. Because of the way men and women use the two hemispheres of the brain differently, The full article is below: http://www.mastersofhealthcare.com/blog/2009/10-big-differences-between-mens-and-womens-brains/ here is a quote supporting point No.3 “Boys generally demonstrate superiority over female peers in areas of the brain involved in math and geometry. These areas of the brain mature about four years earlier in boys than in girls, according to a recent study that measured brain development in more than 500 children. Researchers concluded that when it comes to math, the brain of a 12-year-old girl resembles that of an 8-year-old boy. Conversely, the same researchers found that areas of the brain involved in language and fine motor skills (such as handwriting) mature about six years earlier in girls than in boys.” Source: http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/how-male-female-brains-differ Here is another interesting quote “Discoveries by scientists over the past 10 years have elucidated biological sex differences in brain structure, chemistry and function. “These variations occur throughout the brain, in regions involved in language, memory, emotion, vision, hearing and navigation,” explains Larry Cahill, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at the University of California, Irvine. While women and men struggle to communicate with each other and ponder why they don't think and react to things in similar ways, science is proving that the differences in our brains may have more serious implications beyond our everyday social interactions.” My comment: This bring to say I more convinced that men and women are not the same even with the similarities we see in our daily life and it also let me increase my confidence that there are some roles which are for men and others for women and this means that they are some roles where men are superior and others where women are superior.
"too much convinced"...lol
He was already convinced before writing the thread.
Now he is "more convinced".
does not take much to convince you , does it..:P
Thanks by the way
It increases your confidence that men and women are not the same?
Check In Your Pants!
Failed to explain why these differences between man and woman brain?
the person will be bad but there is a probability of yes and no.
hmm, no, not a mission. But I like to talk about such things. :)
Theo, no, I don't do bored. :)
adey, before I read your post, I expected to see exactly what you wrote...lol.
And eh, no biggie ;)
patience nomerci
Yes, it can. But we mange the degree of how much it does affect us.
As an example : a person lives in a country where a lot of people behave badly (as to this person's opinion). Does that mean this person will change and do the same?
That entirely depends on the person themselves.
inside you believe that there things which can be correct and things which can be wrong.
In other words you also agree that the surrounding can affect either positively or negatively.
that is enough for me
I know what spoiled means AND I looked it up in Wiki.
A. Yes, there is such a word.
b.Yes, it is possible there are such kids in schools.
c. I think there are different factors.
1. parents giving in to all demands of children
2. parents and children succumbing to peer pressure
These are a few reasons.
and I will tell you my point and I do not think you are afraid to answer the three questions.
Honestly did you know what spoil means or you looked for it in wkipedia?
Here you go Straight Arrow :
"I do what I think is right according to the situation at hand." The above sentence indicates that your decision or choice is right according to you as you will evaluate it first, this also means if the teaching method is satisfactory for you and your child you will choose it and if not you will not choose it.
I tell those who take every thing as personal you will suffer mentally just take it easy and see if you can fix yourself, but do not take it personal.
I have a question for you nomerci:
Do you think there is a word called spoil?
In schools is it possible to have some kids or children who are spoiled?
What causes these children to be spoiled?
Straight Arrow,for me there is no method to the madness of bringing up a child. I do what I think is right according to the situation at hand.
I do not say anything about such people, it is their way of life, not mine.
this means that you will choose for your child a teaching method which have no negative impacts according to you, am I right?
What do you say about people who takes everything as personal, in their mind they always say: "They say always why he/she means me always, why they always focus on me, ofcourse they don't like me"?
Sttraight Arrow, yes, that is the case i mentioned in my post. Well done for getting that! :)
anyway, it is irrelevant, as this is a "one off" seen as rather odd .
And your next question, well, errrm, yes, of course I would. Never the less, negative experiences are important, I would not deny my child those.
This thread is one "MFM": Mind Fu**in Machine.... :)
So what?
here is a quote:
"What kind of brain do you have? There really are big differences between the male and female brain, says Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University. In his new book, the Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain (published by Penguin) Baron-Cohen shows that, indisputably, on average male and female minds are of a slightly different character. Men tend to be better at analysing systems (better systemisers), while women tend to be better at reading the emotions of other people (better empathisers). Baron-Cohen shows that this distinction arises from biology, not culture."
Brother tahsinmim few days you were upset and I hope this quote will satisfy you:
"This difference in hemisphere use extends to how the genders process information. Men have been found to have a natural preference for the left hemisphere of the brain, while women process information in both hemispheres. This means that men solve problems from a task-orientated perspective, while women use more creative techniques and place a greater emphasis on communication."
Proper is subjective, what you think is proper is improper to me and vice versa.
The only way to survive in this world is to live and let live. Don't try to control people, and don't try to impose your views on them.
well prepared to the different cultures Miss Mimi,
You can google Miss Mimi and see what does a proper way means?
Basically a proper way is way of doing things in a safe manner which have no negative impacts.
Can you answer the other two questions?
What's a proper way.
I've woken up in a bunch of different cultures. Live and let live I say.
some cultures will accept it and some will, I do not have objection if woman become engineer.
A question for you Miss Mimi:
1. If you are raised all your life in a certain community and suddenly you woke up and your self in another community with different habbits what will be your reaction?
2. Do you agree that the ideal way to avoid shocks is to be open minded and think in a proper way?
3. When studying in another country which have different culture is it necessary for some one to change his/her beliefs and cultures? And why?
"Beatie, who was born female in 1974 and named Tracy Lagondino, had sex-reassignment surgery in 2002 and legally changed from female to male in Hawaii. But Beatie had never undergone “bottom” surgery, known as phalloplasty, to create an artificial penis, until now. He also left his female reproductive organs in place and said the decision to bear children came after his wife, Nancy, found out she could not.
Beatie first made headlines in 2007 when he appeared in photos, bearded with a pregnant belly. He was then known as “the world’s first pregnant man.”"
more on:
Nomerci I have a question for you:
If you had a child would you like a teaching method which protects him/her from danger and keep him/her happy and enjoying life or a teaching method which can end his/her life badly?
So if a woman decides to become and engineer, but she sucks at it. Worst engineer in the world. But she absolutely LOVES being an engineer and going to work everyday and it makes her happy and fulfilled, what's the problem with that?
If a man decides to be a stay at home dad, because he loves his kids and doesn't want to miss them growing up and lets his wife be the breadwinner, and everyone's happy, what's the problem with that?
Straight arrow, in your culture men can't get pregnant. well, that does not surprise me. Please do tell me in which culture men CAN get pregnant?
If you refer to the person that used to be a woman, had a sex change but kept her womb to them become pregnant...forget it. that is not cultural, that is plain weird.
Everything has consequences. every choice, action we take has a consequence one way or another.
It is VERY important to make both, right and wrong, as this is the way to learn! Preventing every bad choice is not good, we need to learn and suffer certain consequences.this is called "experience".
Of course, it pays to use one's brain to avoid those consequences that can cause great harm. That is why parents teach their kids...and let them experience some consequences for the children to gain the experience to avoid nastier experiences.
That does not mean a man can tell his wife what to do...unless he married a particularly stupid one, that is. That is ok then, as she probably won't notice anyway.....
And last but not least...who to blame if one suffers bad consequences. Generally I'd say oneself..Unless one plays the blame game...OR unless one was forced to marry a guy who thinks he can tell his wife what to do...
'some roles which are for men and others for women and this means that they are some roles where men are superior and others where women are superior.'
How you come to this conclusion from reading these studies I don't know. These are based on AVERAGES......therefore some men will be superior at 'Women's Roles' and vica versa.
Therefore, trying to box people into traditional gender roles is plainly wrong and illogical. It actually strengthens the claim to do away with such traditional roles.
'When some people choose a certain choice by them selves without any force and they suffered because it was a wrong choice and they did not studied it before choosing who should they blame?'
To make it easier lets try a multiple choice answer. Is it:
a) Sponge Bob Square Pants
b) Dr Who
c) Darth Vador
d) The Dali Lama
e) An other..........please make a suggestion.
random words on paper
'in my culture the man can not have the choice to be pregnant'
Oh, you are so living in the dark ages.....I chose to be pregnant 3 times last week....must be a 'cultural' thing.
Choices are the people choice and does not belong to gender, however I believe that there are natural choices and these choices belong to a specific gender, such as the choice of getting pregnant, in my culture the man can not have the choice to be pregnant and this is one example.
Choices could have consequences do you agree on that?
These consequences can be satisfactory or may not be satisfactory do you agree?
To avoid the negative consequence the choice must be studied do you agree?
When some people choose a certain choice by them selves without any force and they suffered because it was a wrong choice and they did not studied it before choosing who should they blame?
I see we are of the same opinion....not surprising....as in:
'Never the less, some things apply to EVERYBODY...and one of those things are choices. And those should not be dictated by MEN or CULTURE, but by one's very own mind/heart.'
………did you ever hanker after being a preacher of some sort?
I say this because over time I have noticed that you often employ metaphor and similarlies in the style a snake oil salesman or a preacher would use.
You take a little snippet of fact and extrapolate it towards irrelevant and unconnected areas.
Then ad hoc conclusions are plucked from thin air based on pure conjecture and twisted logic; a bit like how a magician fools his audience.
Well at least you are thinking, I suppose, but then you abandon that and follow ‘group think’ in what you perceive to be cultural or religious norms, forgetting that these are fallacies; individuals make norms for themselves based on what they think is right, not on what the ‘group’ do or think.
Straight arrow, NOTHING is guaranteed in life, no matter what you do or don't do.
And let us not forget, what might be correct for you, may be totally wrong for me....
Never the less, some things apply to EVERYBODY...and one of those things are choices. And those should not be dictated by MEN or CULTURE, but by one's very own mind/heart.
Could be an experience, experience if not applied correctly can result in a failure and I ask which is better a guaranteed experience or 50/50 experience?
If we say that this life which you refers to will give a negative results and you know it, will you choose it?
Maybe 70% so let us apply the sentence:
Live and let live
@ Straight Arrow: Seriously man, i didn't get you at all. Can you come again? Seems like you are saying the same thing which i did. So you are, then yes agreed!
And so they do....
Straight Arrow, I am not here to convince you of anything. Life will do that for me. sooner hopefully than later even people like you will have to give in.
Life, eh? :P
Tell us why these differences between man and woman brain are there? Also I would like to tell you there can be woman and man doing the same job and the is better and more effective than the man and I tell you there is nothing wrong with this.
A person who find him/ her self less than their colleagues must see what is wrong with him/ her and try to rectify it if possible do you agree with me?
Wow!!! Another controversial topic..
What's the insecurity really? I've seen women do amazing stuff. Starting from being a Mom, to professional engineers, doctors, artists, writers,cooks, entertainers, etc etc, you name it and they have done it.
Who does these researches? And what's the point really? I met this GD pilot once, she could beat the hell out of any living pilot in a dog fight. All those guys who made fun of her really could not face her when she cleared her course in flying colors.
Get a life people!!!. Gender has never been a criteria to define superiority. Its the will and determination of a person which lets him or her achieve what he/she sets as a goal.
brains of man and woman is interesting and studies are on going.
I will really appreciate Thelonius if you put a quote or more where scientists explained why these differences between male and female brain are made or exsted?
are as follow:
"why is it not mandatory?"
The answer to your question is a question and it is,
is everything mandatory or somethings yes and somethings no?
"Does "culture" make it so?"
Yes because those people who belong to that culture are happy with it and worked out for them.
"does culture state otherwise?"
Their culture yes, and put in mind that this culture see something wrong if the man stays at home but searching for job is continuing, in my culture a man must work even if it is from home and nowadays some works can be done from home, this is my culture nomerci, and in my culture man must work.
"then it is the people who ,with their decision, change culture."
People are free to choose what they think it suits them and at the same time they should not blame others if the culture they choose turned negatively and affected them in a negative way then they should blame them selves for choosing this culture.
Do you agree nomerci that before making a choice a study should be done to see if this choice is good or not?
In my culture than man can tell his wife not work if the work she is doing is letting her away from him and their children and at the same time he can not force her to leave the work, so the solution here is one of two either they go to the court or she quit if she want to stay with her husband and children and again these two solutions must be studied first.
I did not understand anything in your last paragraph.
This is sooooo dull and someone clearly wants a return to the dark ages.
but in general clean toilets are better than dirty toilets.
Marriage is holy, and both couples are responsible for the success of their marriage.
cant believe this has dragged for 2 days now and still dragging!
Straight arrow: we are in a time where women cricketer can star in a mens cricket team! wake up!
The only way most women could do that Straight Arrow is with the help of their spouse. A marriage is two people. Two people who have to clean dirty toilets, not one, and two people who have to raise the kids, not one.
there is a saying which means "Every one views the people from his/her eye"
See here what proves the difference in brain:
I said that I am with the woman to work if she can make and maintain the balance between her work and her husband and children.
Is this hard to understand?
By the way cleaning the toilets are better than dirty toilets aren't they?
Straight arrow, why is it not mandatory?
Does "culture" make it so?
Then culture needs to be changed. As it is not fair to the woman otherwise.
And what is wrong with a man choosing to stay home? IMHO nothing, as long as both partners are happy with the decision. but wait...does culture state otherwise? Then if people create culture, and people decide that their life is better if they make a different choice, then it is the people who ,with their decision, change culture.
And a man does not "let" his wife work..as that insinuates that he, the man, has the right to decide for his wife. this right he does NOT have. BOTH are equal, and come to a decision together, based on what is good for both of them.
The brains of men and women MAY be different, I do not know this. Never the less, even if they were, the brain is plastic, it creates. That means if things change new pathways are created which enable the person to perform tasks.
This depends on them and what they think is better for them, I personally will not accept it, and at the same time I can not tell them to do certain things.
I hate to intefere in others people personal life, but here in QL living there some people take it personally and they think that we are speaking about them.
I never care what people say about me as long as I know what I am doing is correct.
We have to put in our mind the following sentence:
"Statisfying All is impossible"
"unfortunately some people want the woman to be isolated and stay darkness by introducing the wrong concepts and morals."
Yes you! You want them to be "educated" but then stay home and clean your toilets and raise your brats, rather than follow their dreams! It's like putting a beautiful bird in your backyard but clipping its wings. It can look at the sky but it can't fly!
do you know why?
Because it is an informative topic and the points I put was made researchers and scientists.
Second what should be against woman are the negative points and letting her stay un aware of what is around her and hide the information and not sharing it.
Brother tahsinmim these differences in brain are not the woman choice right? It is natural.
I believe that these differences are meant to be there for specific reasons.
unfortunately some people want the woman to be isolated and stay darkness by introducing the wrong concepts and morals.
"This will be good to do but it is not mandatory."
It's bloody mandatory in my house!
And what if the husband and wife decide together that it's best for the husband to stay home? Because the wife makes more money?
and maybe it is hard for you to answer, let me rephrase it again,
These differences between man and woman brain tells me that they made on purpose and accordingly it tells me that there are some roles which are good for women and other roles which are good for men.
Your question:
"How do you feel about a man staying at home taking care of the family and the wife going to work?"
Nothing wrong with this if he failed to get a job and nothing a shame of this if he keeps trying to get a job, but if the man is qualified and can get a job and he do not want to work and let his wife work instead then I would not accept it because it is not in line with my culture and beliefs.
second question:
"Do you agree, that if both work it is the duty of the husband to take over/share a certain amount of housework as well as helping with the children?"
This will be good to do but it is not mandatory.
Straight Arrow, simple, because you assign certain roles to gender.
How do you feel about a man staying at home taking care of the family and the wife going to work?
Do you agree, that if both work it is the duty of the husband to take over/share a certain amount of housework as well as helping with the children?
This includes cooking, cleaning, changing diapers etc.
and I do not answer personal questions and keep the right to answer for my self.
By the way my knows what I write here in QL and I can tell you no objection from her side.
can you explain how do I keep society in the darker ages when I say that for the development of any country we need both men and women to be educated and open minded to deal with the different situations and have a good knowledge about cultures?
I agree with you that both share the same importance, but this importance will be effective if both man and women are effective in their duties.
Do you agree guys that a working woman who does not care about her husband and children is the same as a woman who is not working and does not care about her husband and children?
For me yes because they have something in common, In my opinion family comes first.
I also agree that both should share the responsibilities to get the success.
Life is never one sided.
Tahsinmim...where did he say that?
Straight Arrow, it's people like you who keep society in the darker ages. Sorry to say, but from all you state as your opinion, that is my conclusion.
Men and women are equal in importance. Women have the right to choose if they want to work or not. If a woman makes this decision, her husband has the responsibility to support her. He has to share housework with her and the care for the children.
THAT is how it works.
My questions to you
- r u against women
No because we can not survive without them and this is my opinionion
- do u prefer women to work
Yes I prefer the woman to work if she can balance between taking care of husband and children, and against woman to work if her work will take her away from her husband and children and might affect her family negatively
- do u have any problems with women brain
Me in person no I do not have a problem with the women brain at all because I believe these differences are natural and it is not in the hand of women to choose it
- r u single or married
I am married
And thanks brother tahsinmim
An educated man and woman are key for success in any community.
For those who Miss understood me here is my comments more clear
Man and Woman are like the wings of the bird, one wing is woman and the other wing is man, and the bird (life) needs both wing to fly and discover the horizon and reach its target.
women because I believe that a working woman is essential for the development of any country.
For F***s sake. You're a Neanderthal.
But can you high light where the wrong points in:
"But the real importance comes when each does his/ her role perfectly, a woman become less importance when she does not do what she is supposed to, and the same is applicable for the man."
We actually should think why these differences were made between man and woamn brain?
Miss Mimi do you agree that nowadays man and woman can do the same job in the field they choose to work in?
Then would they have the same success rate or it might be different.
The natural jobs for woman is get pragnant and do the rest towards her children, however, I say that if a woman decides to be isolated and not participating in the daily jobs in her community then she will be a negative person in my point of view, and as one Egyptian schoolar said the most important job of a woman is to look after her house and children and ofcourse her husband.
Now let us take these two cases guys and see which type of woman is better
Type A
A woman who puts her work in the company in the first priority then her husband and children?
Type B
A woman who puts her first priority is her husband and children and then work?
Same question is applicable for man
A question for thoughts:
What could be the impact if one of the couples puts work first and in a very less priority the family?
"there are some roles which are for men and others for women"
"I would say that there are area where women are better and jobs are more suitable for her and same thing for the man."
"But the real importance comes when each does his/ her role perfectly, a woman become less importance when she does not do what she is supposed to, and the same is applicable for the man."
I challange you to high light one comment where I wrote
"women should stick to some careers and men to others"
What I said both can do or have the same career but the sucess rate will be different, woman might be better or man might be better, that is all.
In opinion the differences in the brain between man and woman was not a coincedence and it was made for purpose other wise why these differences are there?
Actually it is very interesting for scientists to study this subject.
Who said all people are the same? You're the one who says women should stick to some careers and men to others.
and this proves that fact that not all people are the same so there are the honest people and there are those who are not honest and you agree with me Miss Mimi 100 % on that and I say 100 % because you said the answer is no for all those questions.
Thanks for answering.
1. Do all professors have the same level of transfering the information to their students?
2. Do all drivers who drive their cars drive safely with no accidents?
3. Do all students who finish their college do not cheat?
4. Do all criminals and thiefs serunder them selfs to police?
The answer is No to all of those SA, but what does it have to do with gender?
this thread is going circles with no end or begining!
you I promise you and you will be surprised, other members might answer the four questions I asked.
that you do not get my point, it is basic a bad woman engineer may construct a buildinig with weak foundations and after some years this building fall down and many people die, isn't this weak construction considered as a harm to the humanity? (same applies for a man who is bad construction engineer)
same thing for a mathematics professor who is explaing the math theory wrongly will let the students with a poor mathmatics foundation.
My question to you Miss Mimi:
1. Do all professors have the same level of transfering the information to their students?
2. Do all drivers who drive their cars drive safely with no accidents?
3. Do all students who finish their college do not cheat?
4. Do all criminals and thiefs serunder them selfs to police?
How does a woman becoming an engineer or a mathematics professor harm humanity?
When you say:
"all people have to do what they are supposed to do"
so that means that the thief has to steal and the drug dealer must sell drug and the killer must kill and the teacher must teach and the doctor must diagnose, etc.
My question now which sentence is better
"all people have to do what they are supposed to do" or "people must do right things which benifits humanity and avoid things which can harm humanity"?
Also your statement nomerci is very wide and not specific,
I have another question to you nomerci:
do you a prefer a person who tells how to reach the target easily and correctly or a person who keeps you lost and wasting your time?
Straight Arrow, all people have to do what they are supposed to do. Why single out per gender?
And here is your problem, basically it seems to me you have a physcological problem and you take things personal.
Tinkerbell10 I know you will not answer this question but I will ask it:
When we high light the wrong acts of some women does this mean that all women in the world are wrong?
Good thinking gets you to soul and mind peace but bad thinking may bring bad ideas which will not be good, so not every thing which think must be translated into acts, it must be processed first in the mind and then translate into acts if it will bring positive results.
With the difference in brain between man and woman?
But the real importance comes when each does his/ her role perfectly, a woman become less importance when she does not do what she is supposed to, and the same is applicable for the man.
Guys have you thought of my last questions?
Indeed, Straight Arrow, for life to continue we need a man and a woman. They are EQUALLY important.
the question which should be asked are these differences in the brain was made by coincidence or it was on purpose?
Why does many researchers prove that these differences exist?
Do these difference tell something or no?
Should we think about these differences or close our eyes?
But my opinion is that both man and woman complete each other and if we ressemble it as a body then both man and woman will make the perfect body.
For life to continue it needs both man and woman.
straight arrow, culture is not an entity, it does not create itself. People create culture, hence, we must ask people, not culture.
What if I were to say that Asians and Europeans and Africans all had differences, and were 33.3%, 33.3% and 33.3%. They all have their limitations and aren't really suited to different jobs because their brains are of different sizes and emotionally some are less developed than others.
Would that be racist, or acceptable?
Straight Arrow, I think a man is 100% and a woman is 100%.
They are both equal individuals. They can exist alone or they can exist together. It is a choice.
They do not have to be together to create a whole. They are whole by themselves.
nomerci or read more to understand better
a woman can be my mother my siste my cousine my aunt, when I want the best for them does this mean that I do not love them?
man is 50 % and woman is 50 % and both make 100% where is the point here where I put woman in a lower class?
Also when I say that there are careers or jobs where woman is superior to man where is evidence that I put her in a lower class?
When I say that woman should be treated equally to man where is the point which indicates that I put her down?
Straight Arrow, why is culture allowed to limit people?
differences, I said men and women share many things in common, so it is normal that some men have depression and some women as well.
freedome is limited by the culture and belief she chooses to stick to.
I agree with you that I should not force my opinion on other women.
I know lots of men with depression. What's your point Straight Arrow?
Straight arrow, and you have every right to your opinion. However, what you do NOT have the right to do is to force your opinion on another person (woman). She has every right to her OWN opinion.
please read this
"Emotions: Since women tend to have a larger deep limbic system then men, they’re more in touch with their feelings and are better at expressing their emotions. This makes women better at connecting with others, but unfortunately also more prone to different types of depression."
more on:
nomerci respect is applicable to many things such as:
and many other points
People make mistake by preserving the narrow meaning of respect.
Straight arrow, there are some women who are "soft" and want to be treated like dolls. Yes, they do exist. Generally though, women are to be treated equal. They do not require to be treated like little dolls packed in cotton . Women can take care of themselves (if permitted), they give respect and demand the same.
It is about time this is understood.
as this is my opinion and it is up to them.
What does he mean by respect? So are women supposed to be respected at work place whereas men don't deserve respect? There should be no discrimination based on gender at work place or school or for that matter anywhere.. Women can be good judges, good lawyers, good pilots, great doctors and engineers just as well as men can be wonderful hair stylists, tailors and chefs..
A man trying to be a nanny is like a woman trying to be. ..__________________.
This sentence does not have a proper ending will never have!
this is a quote from freinds by joey!!
i dont like male receptionist regardless of how good they are!!
at the end of the day its the individual which counts!
i dont like hotel food although they are tasty home food cooked by woman always tastes better!
What has the job a woman works in to do with respect?
Respect between people, irrespective of gender, is always to be maintained.
I know lots of women in tough jobs. I don't think they would agree with you that they should be in "soft" ones. (What are soft jobs? Stuffing teddy bears? Making marshmallows?)
for example the feelings of a mother towards her son and daughter are normally stronger than the father and there are cases where the reverse is valid.
should work in this field or that but her culture and belief will tell her as well as her internal thoughts.
I would say that there are area where women are better and jobs are more suitable for her and same thing for the man.
Normally softness is related with women so I think taugh jobs are not suitable for them, however, nowadays we some women are doing jobs which are used to be done by male and there is nothing wrong as long as respect is maintained.
Very good info ... Thanks for sharing .
Just ignore him, he is just trying to stir up a lot of muck
So what are you suggesting Straight Arrow? That women shouldn't be allowed to work in certain careers?
Male dominated careers tend to be Engineers, Construction, Police
female dominated: Public Relations, Marketing, Nursing
we have to distinguish between roles and equality tahsinmim.
both deserve the same natural rights which are meant for them, however, the roles in my opinion should be different or completing each other.
For me man is 50 % and woman is 50 % and both makes 100%, however, the internal things inside the 50 % are different and that is why the brain of man and woman is different.
But can you give 3 examples where the career is male dominated and 3 examples where the career is female dominated.
Totally agree with "my comment" of Straight Arrow.
Ha! Have to agree Kareena.
Where I work, all the top engineers are all women.
Generally women rule the kitchen at home but when it comes to cooking in hotels and restaurants, it is ruled by men. Besdies chefs, men are better at tailoring, dress designing and interior designing.. I would never get my clothes stitched by a woman tailor and I also do not generally prefer lady hair stylists to do my hair and make up.. Men do better in these professions anyday but then its altogether a diff story that they are usually gay..
Generally, women are better orators and men better listeners..and me and my wife are no exceptions!
Some women will do better in "male dominated" careers than men, some men will do better in "female dominated" careers than women.
At the end of the line it's the individual.
as women can have the same career as men but it is not necessary both will have the same success.
This in line with the nature of men and women, these differences are natural.
Generally, on average, typically....hardly solid reasons to ban women and men from certain careers and life paths are they?