"Some kids are taught that girls who wear mini skirts are sluts. Is that "good"?"
I would say no.
What would you say?
Fubar if you do not believe in God then please do not bring it to the picture, because if you believe in God then please tell what is God will?
In my belief every thing is due to the God will, Soem of God wills we understand as there are clear reasons and some we do not know now and later on we might know.

A general question:
Can some thing move if there is no cause to make it move?
and you can build many questions from the above question such as
Can you write on a piece of paper if you do not have the necessary tools?
For Muslims Islam is the right religion
For Budhisms people Budhdism is the right religion
For Christians Christianity is the right religion
and so on
To answer the question "But they can't all be right, can they?
A comparison must be done by the person who wants an answer for the above question and to have a good result a good references must be used and not people talk.