is that as parents we must at all times remember we can only convey our beliefs to our children. We cannot(and should not)brainwash them to simply parrot what we are convinced on, rather we should encourage them to seek knowledge at all times, and then reach their own convictions, whilst giving them a helping hand whenever we can, and that too with much caution.
See a non religious person should realize that to a religious person(and here I don't refer to the fanatics) teaching their child about their faith is akin to say telling him don't commit murder, don't cheat etc. You do so because you believe it makes them a better human being, and cos as parents you want whats best for your child.
And a religious person should know how to be the best example of their faith, and not force their kids to believe in something without reason and proofs.
Personally I encourage my daughter at all times to know why she does what she does, as opposed to simply commanding her to do it. Because there should never be room for coercion in religion! And I don't believe thus that I am in anyway abusing her innocence and trust.