To Adey, et al:

First of all, Im not running away, I just had my Friday break.

I appreciate the enormous replies to this post. First I'd like to state that I am for the Theist's stance and I strongly oppose such kind of statement of Atheists like Krauss' line above.

As a Christian Theist, I believe that there are vast universes other than our planet and they are all created by our God. But to say that we are all stardusts, it may coincide with the story of the Genesis saying that God "created man out of clay and breathe on it", however, putting our faith on material stuffs as the ultimate creator is no difference than believing or worshiping stones, volcanoes, trees, and other material things around us, which reduce us into the Ancient pagans.

Our huge difference from Krauss' belief is that we as Christians are created with divine dignity, in God's image and likeness, and in the end we will live a life not limited to the matters alone and be buried in the earth's core. our earthly body, for sure will be buried there, our body belongs to it. But we are not merely "body with spirits", rather, we are spirits with body. and when our body expires, we (as spirits) will be lifted to the throne of our creator who is a Spirit, too, for we all belong to him.