Reading about these absurd ideas
By aliasbahadur •
Lawrence Krauss condemned Christian Religion when he said Jesus (or even Allah) is not the source of life, we should be thankful to the stars that exploded to give us physical bodies and life...that's why he said "your are all a stardust!"
The materialist scientists do not believe in God, but they believe in the 'physical laws of the universe, that is, gravitation plus quantum mechanics plus grand unified field theories plus a few other things' which is beyond their explanations...
More absurd readings here:
Enjoy your off-work!
off from work, means offline. thanks for sharing time and talent. (y)
Civil laws or divine laws are same examples of guidelines which you are not comfortable with because you want to assert your own independence and boasted your own intellect to be over and above what is objectively written.
If you are not a good follower of your civil laws, how much more you could be a follower of any divine law from a god you don't see?
Yes,I am not comfortable with divine guidelines since it spreads fallacies.
Take this as a guidelines.
"Aids are bad but not as bad as condoms"
I don't think you are mourning over the people who died of AIDS for not using condoms!
As a new expat here in Qatar, that is how I observe "some" Qatari people, they assert their own freedom to the extent of breaking their own land laws, because they are capable of paying the penalties anyway. And you know what the result is? Damage to properties along the roads by car accidents, or even life. Although everywhere this is a reality, they are the ones you are referring who don't like rules because they think they have enough brains brighter than those rules.
I'm sorry to break this for you but civil laws are not Sharia or Biblical laws.
So no chance of comparison.
And I seriously don't think divine laws are any better.
"I think therefore I am"
Basically means ,you are what you think.
Not what some guidelines are about...
"since i was able to read your letters in here it means you acknowledge the what we call "guidelines" and your actions tend to obey them"
Yes, we tend to obey the guidelines, but we tend to tame our thoughts to obey these guidelines , hence everything that squeezes your thoughts and condemns you for what you think (thoughts crime) is morally unacceptable.
How can you be any different from an primate animal if you do not have the freedom to think?
---I mean even animals have freedom of actions at some extent!
Let's just take "intelligent design" for a claim ,if God was intelligent enough to give us a intelligent brain and body, then why the hell put guidelines on them?
People who are used to guidelines tend to fear or not manage to think for their own.
People who are not used to guidelines think out of the box and are totally independent.
Re: typing on keyboard - do you think if the keyboard doesnt have character imprinted on it will you be guided to hit the right key that corresponds to what you intend to write? the actions you told is about your behavior, on how you react to the set of guidelines.since i was able to read your letters in here it means you acknowledge the what we call "guidelines" and your actions tend to obey them. and sorry to use "negative" because i now realized you have a brain and capable of behaving as what a learnt man should
Just like your brain that is full if negative crap, that has the tendency to blend from a specified set of laws, you need a guideline, for you not to be lost. Whatever belief you hold, for sure you are following a certain guidelines, just as the way you are typing characters on your keyboard!
Wrong, typing characters on your keyboards do not need guidelines, they are nearly actions that were done.
Typing on a keyboard are sets of actions executed etc...
Guidelines are different, they are set of rules for "thinking".
Anything that stops your brain from thinking in different angles and ways is fallacious.
And no, my brain is not full of negative crap, it is merely full of things that you see crap because it doesn't go with your guidelines.
Everyone is born a scientists, that likes to ask and discover things ,until people come and teach them to be brain death and dull.
Well only sheep needs guidelines to follow a specific pattern of jumping eating and crapping.
I mean how banal is it? it's funny how religious people claim "intelligent design" while why the hell do you have a brain if you need guidelines to decipher a book that is meant to save our lives?
It's either that God loves playing riddles or your argument is just self contradicting.
Dear Blosted,
If you think that your "Little Red Hood" is sacred, you must specify guidelines to breakdown its doctrinal concern, just the way you want your believers follow what is revealed in that book according to how you understand it as the recipient of revelation.
If you want to apply this interpreting Harry Potter's books claiming it to be sacred, then you set should guidelines on how to interpret it to guard your community of believers. Otherwise they may be misled by other subjective interpretation of it.
This is also true with the Islam's Holy Quran.
Well if you believe that the bible is the word of god then you should believe the Koran is the same and therefore be a Muslim. Just sayin.
A book doesn't need a guideline to be interpreted , I mean do you spend years interpreting every book you read?
Now if I tell you that the "Little Red Hood" book is sacred and needed to be interpreted carefully ,depending on historical events.
I doubt you will be gathering anything useful, because you will see things as I told you or as you wish them to see.
I mean if we interpret every book we read, I don't think we will ever pass kindergarten.
In dealing with the Sacred Scripture, we are taught to interpret it in the light of the Church’s Teachings. As for theological discourse, a believer should interpret the bible according to the following phases: Historical phase, Exegetical phase, & Hermeneutic phase. Believing that the bible is an inspired Word of God, some has direct literal implication to our life. In the book of Genesis, the discoveries of sciences are just enforcing & affirming evidences that the Genesis creation slowly comes into the spotlight of truth. I believe that the writers of Genesis tradition may have no exact scientific calculations of the cosmos in their time but the elements of their ideas are found in the modern scientific observations.
Documentary written by a christian
3.50 - 14.40 minutes on why church orthodoxy is not to take Genesis literally.
The whole 50 min documentary is very interesting
Krauss didn't say something that was meant to be controversial.
He simply stated of what we are made of, I don't see how he is imposing any "beliefs" ?
@KR We need to get your book published, well you know ! for the next 2000 years!
I'd read your books to my kids anytime!
and as you found Krauss offensive ,I find your types even more cruel and offensive! why?
Because you disregard Flaura and Fauna that always took care of you and you always lived and are living upon it.
So I'd happily die and feed Flaura and Fauna as it fed me and took care of me.
But what is 'Absurd' about a universally accepted scientific fact? I get that you don't like it.......I'm not too fond of cancer but I can't wish it away.
And Krauss is not worshipping volcanos or any other 'materialist' stuff.
You do know that a literalist reading of Genesis is a modern phenomenon and against the actual teaching of the christian religion.....I'll dig out a video on it for you.
To Adey, et al:
First of all, Im not running away, I just had my Friday break.
I appreciate the enormous replies to this post. First I'd like to state that I am for the Theist's stance and I strongly oppose such kind of statement of Atheists like Krauss' line above.
As a Christian Theist, I believe that there are vast universes other than our planet and they are all created by our God. But to say that we are all stardusts, it may coincide with the story of the Genesis saying that God "created man out of clay and breathe on it", however, putting our faith on material stuffs as the ultimate creator is no difference than believing or worshiping stones, volcanoes, trees, and other material things around us, which reduce us into the Ancient pagans.
Our huge difference from Krauss' belief is that we as Christians are created with divine dignity, in God's image and likeness, and in the end we will live a life not limited to the matters alone and be buried in the earth's core. our earthly body, for sure will be buried there, our body belongs to it. But we are not merely "body with spirits", rather, we are spirits with body. and when our body expires, we (as spirits) will be lifted to the throne of our creator who is a Spirit, too, for we all belong to him.
Oh, okay
Indeed you can, indeed you can.
But it's still a fact that we are made from star made elements.................and aliasbahadur needs some education before decrying such things absurd......because he's just wrong - no debate or discussion about it, just plain wrong.
Those that marry their faith with science have to do the hard work of thinking..........those that just deny reality have the luxury of never having to turn their brain on and post embarrassingly ignorant OP's on QL.
Meh, but it takes all sorts.
We can still believe in both
adey, I was referring to the contents of the youtube videos you posted. That's what it is!
aliasbahadur dumped his uninformed opinion here and then just buggered off.........kind of like leaving a turd on someones front step then running away.
Will he be back to defend his excreta? I shan't hold my breath.
'That's what it is!!'
What is 'What'?
What is 'Is'?
What is 'It'?
or rather.......I've no idea what you're driving at.
Why let evidence and facts get in the way of a good story
adey, That's what it is!!
People should decide if it's important for them that their beliefs be logical and based on facts..
Or you could remain in the dark and believe in magic
You see it's all compatible with a deity.............The question is now,,,,if all this can run itself, why a deity in the first need, right?
Anyway, must not drift into this area.
Anyway just because the OP didn't understand that doesn't make it absurd.......... here's a 14 yr old boy to explain it to him/her:
This lad will go far and will be making stuff to sell to the OP.......who will put it all down to magic.
Genesis – Addendum 1.0 Dated 21st Century AD
In the very beginning, the idea of creation struck God and he snapped his fingers with excitement. Quantum annihilations of matter and anti-matter fluctuated to produce a sudden burst of energy. And God said “Let there be light and heat”. And there was a Big Bang!!
Now the void was filled with space and the spirit of God hovered over it. And God saw the light, that it was good; so God said “Let there be matter”. And the heat condensed the light to small particles of different kinds. God named them quarks. God combined some quarks to form particles with mass and called them neutrons. God separated particles like, photons, electrons or positrons from the neutrons to give other particles which he named protons. God played with matter and created other similar particles like Neutrinos, Gravitons, Bosons and Fermions etc.
God commanded “Let there be forces” and all matter started having the strong, weak, the electrostatic and the gravitational forces. Electrons clouded around protons and God named them Hydrogen Atoms. Hydrogen atoms in zillions filled all space which started grouping together due to gravity forming stars and galaxies.
God rested for some billion years while stars formed, glowed and exploded to form novas, supernovas and hyper-novas. In the supernovas and hyper-novas, hydrogen atoms, under extreme pressures and temperatures gradually combined to form higher elements which God called Helium, Beryllium, Carbon, Nitrogen etc.
Suddenly, a hyper-nova exploded and a cloud of star-dust containing hydrogen and all other higher elements ejected out at enormous force. God had another good idea and he spun the gas cloud to form a rotating flat disc which formed a star and some planets around it. God wanted to make his abode on one of the planets so chose the earth to create the heavens in some layers of the troposphere.
The rest is history….
and not a garbled third hand rendition as appears in the OP:
Thank god to the stars for giving us life
'Nothing is more irreducible than elements/atoms'
There are two types of subatomic particles: elementary particles, which are not made of other particles, and composite particles.
So particles are smaller than atoms, but the elementary nature of these particles is still irreducible - ie you can't make an element any simpler
It still stands that stars make elements, we are made of elements therefore we are star stuff.
Stars make elements/atoms....remember them in the periodic table on your school science room wall?
Nothing is more irreducible than elements/atoms.
Everything is made of elements.
We as humans are made of elements
Only stars make elements
We are, therefore, all made of star stuff
It's really very simple
Then just Dont read them
"Do not involve chopping/honor with religion" Funny, as it is part of religion,were apostasy is punishable by death.
Again,get yourself educated.
And second, I am not shoving anything in your mouth, you are just not caring to use your brain cells.
And yes , I will get angry if I see kids being told over and over and over to not think for themselves.
As you said above "Just ignore these two".
Is exactly Child Abuse when used against children.
Tah, you are free to have your own opinion but you can't have your own facts. The fact that originally the atoms than make us up came from stars is irrefutable. Where you think humans came from does not alter this but you are free to believe whatever you want. It is not a crime to live in ignorance.
To each his own..
You have a right to your beliefs and I have a right to mine..
And I will kill the person who disagrees with that ..
Well I am not being mad, neither close.
If what I said sounded as "mad" don't you think there's something "wrong" with what happened?... or is it all acceptable as long as the masses are okay with it?
@Tinkerbell, okay would you tell that to my friend ? who got his head chopped open for being of Christianity in Jordan? would you tell that to my cousin who has been shot dead for "honor"?
I don't want to take this far! but it seems you got no idea or you just haven't truly experienced what I mean.
@Tahsin As I told you in my PM , it didn't go like "Poof ,paaf" and dust star struck and we became humans!
It didn't go that way at all, so as I told you in my PM, go educate yourself.
Big bang explosion is different from evolution .
But it doesn't seem you recognize what's the difference.
I'll say this again, educate yourself.
To each his own. He is a "theoretical physicist"... Theoretical being the key word.
Sciene is still young. Many scientists are religious and the two can co-exist to s degree..
@tinkerbell ,I disagree, and if you are the type to stay shut and careless ,while seeing the wrong prevailing, then I am not at your side.
I have seen enough ignorance,hatred and prejudice that will fill me up for another life!
So not because it is not effecting YOU,it doesn't mean it is not drastically effecting other people.
Maybe religious people are scientists and happily reconcile the facts of the universe with their faith. You don't have to be an atheist to ne'er stand the truth
@tinkerbell10 I disagree, "faith" people have the right to be respect as far as the laws for everyone goes.
But taking proper education out of faith controlled countries is absurd and unacceptable.
I mean seriously, couldn't they find any normal not-so-well known scientist and pick on him.
They had to go for Krauss! it's actually funny thinking they can even dream of getting to his league.
@Tah, oh so who doesn't? let me see again, where did your PC come from? where did your phone? TV? Car? pretty much everything?
Can you be anymore ungrateful, blinded disrespectful?
You are free to ignore but that does not change the facts of the universe. We are made of atoms that came from the stars. It's not a question of whether you like that or not, it just is.
Yes, keep ignorant. keep doing so.
No wonder why so many are uneducated and banal.
Its funny comparing yourself to a man of a very high level of IQ, probably x3 -x4 more than yours.
I'm burst out my tea laughing when reading the ignorant comments spout by these who don't know a darn about what Krauss meant.
Krauss wasn't "dissing" anyone, and we ARE stardust liked it or not.
"They are always convinced that it means what they said"
Ha ha if you don't understand those things you should not post in the first place. Just because you don't understand physics and you think it's absurd then it doesn't make in untrue.
The things you mention are more than ideas, they are real and have been tested.
This is height of stupidity and ignorance. They are children of MONKEYS, juggling whole of their life like animals