Genesis – Addendum 1.0 Dated 21st Century AD
In the very beginning, the idea of creation struck God and he snapped his fingers with excitement. Quantum annihilations of matter and anti-matter fluctuated to produce a sudden burst of energy. And God said “Let there be light and heat”. And there was a Big Bang!!
Now the void was filled with space and the spirit of God hovered over it. And God saw the light, that it was good; so God said “Let there be matter”. And the heat condensed the light to small particles of different kinds. God named them quarks. God combined some quarks to form particles with mass and called them neutrons. God separated particles like, photons, electrons or positrons from the neutrons to give other particles which he named protons. God played with matter and created other similar particles like Neutrinos, Gravitons, Bosons and Fermions etc.
God commanded “Let there be forces” and all matter started having the strong, weak, the electrostatic and the gravitational forces. Electrons clouded around protons and God named them Hydrogen Atoms. Hydrogen atoms in zillions filled all space which started grouping together due to gravity forming stars and galaxies.
God rested for some billion years while stars formed, glowed and exploded to form novas, supernovas and hyper-novas. In the supernovas and hyper-novas, hydrogen atoms, under extreme pressures and temperatures gradually combined to form higher elements which God called Helium, Beryllium, Carbon, Nitrogen etc.
Suddenly, a hyper-nova exploded and a cloud of star-dust containing hydrogen and all other higher elements ejected out at enormous force. God had another good idea and he spun the gas cloud to form a rotating flat disc which formed a star and some planets around it. God wanted to make his abode on one of the planets so chose the earth to create the heavens in some layers of the troposphere.
The rest is history….
Genesis – Addendum 1.0 Dated 21st Century AD
In the very beginning, the idea of creation struck God and he snapped his fingers with excitement. Quantum annihilations of matter and anti-matter fluctuated to produce a sudden burst of energy. And God said “Let there be light and heat”. And there was a Big Bang!!
Now the void was filled with space and the spirit of God hovered over it. And God saw the light, that it was good; so God said “Let there be matter”. And the heat condensed the light to small particles of different kinds. God named them quarks. God combined some quarks to form particles with mass and called them neutrons. God separated particles like, photons, electrons or positrons from the neutrons to give other particles which he named protons. God played with matter and created other similar particles like Neutrinos, Gravitons, Bosons and Fermions etc.
God commanded “Let there be forces” and all matter started having the strong, weak, the electrostatic and the gravitational forces. Electrons clouded around protons and God named them Hydrogen Atoms. Hydrogen atoms in zillions filled all space which started grouping together due to gravity forming stars and galaxies.
God rested for some billion years while stars formed, glowed and exploded to form novas, supernovas and hyper-novas. In the supernovas and hyper-novas, hydrogen atoms, under extreme pressures and temperatures gradually combined to form higher elements which God called Helium, Beryllium, Carbon, Nitrogen etc.
Suddenly, a hyper-nova exploded and a cloud of star-dust containing hydrogen and all other higher elements ejected out at enormous force. God had another good idea and he spun the gas cloud to form a rotating flat disc which formed a star and some planets around it. God wanted to make his abode on one of the planets so chose the earth to create the heavens in some layers of the troposphere.
The rest is history….