Please note some credit cards from bank dont having insurance shield and they have agencies all over the world. Cannot escape. If this is the case you need to pay it off.

Same was happened with me in 2012 but i got the NOC and new employment. Only 3 months i didnot able to pay to bank for credit cards and they sent agents to my home country .. was very horible.
Doha bank is worst and registered my complain to police.

Now i am settling here again every thing.

Regarding personal loan which i was having i talked with the CBQ ..... even they required a guaranter for me to leave the country for exit to come in again for a new job.

In nut and shell .. cannot release unless you could clear all amount. The chance is that you can be considered for some discount otherwise no chnace dear.
This is fact.

Anyways GOD is gr8 inshallah you will get the solution soon.

Take care.