my parents and the parents from my wife,. have both a pension plan (the are retired),..witch makes them financial independent,.the both own bigger houses then we do, wy i wil be hold responsible to take care of the parents of my wife,.. I married HER not her family,. she is univerisity educatated could take care of her self (financily) if needed,...but she takes care of our 3 kids so no need for her to work outside the house but SHE WILL when do youngest one "can stand on her own feet"
you in a marriage TOGETHER you should support the other half in both ways the best you can,.. either by taking care of the household or by payed labour outside if both work outside the house it normal that house cores are done by both to share the load of work,.so there is more quality time left to spend with you loved ones
you do live in " a other world" then me ;)
my parents and the parents from my wife,. have both a pension plan (the are retired),..witch makes them financial independent,.the both own bigger houses then we do, wy i wil be hold responsible to take care of the parents of my wife,.. I married HER not her family,. she is univerisity educatated could take care of her self (financily) if needed,...but she takes care of our 3 kids so no need for her to work outside the house but SHE WILL when do youngest one "can stand on her own feet"
you in a marriage TOGETHER you should support the other half in both ways the best you can,.. either by taking care of the household or by payed labour outside if both work outside the house it normal that house cores are done by both to share the load of work,.so there is more quality time left to spend with you loved ones