You have a cute website. However, I see a few problems. You have your degree (from an evening, part-time law school) but you have not yet passed the bar. Therefore you have not been a practicing lawyer. The Gulf usually demands at least three years prior experience for an entry-level position. The Westerners you see pulling down large salaries generally have twenty to thirty years professional experience and have climbed their corporate ladders and paid their dues many times over. Also, although you plan on passing the bar (and believe me, the companies will note the gap between graduation and successful bar exam) this does not prepare you for international law, particularly the unique issues of the Gulf and the local laws of Qatar. You seem to be an eager, bright young go-getter so I suspect you could find a job in Qatar. But it may not be at the salary you would like, nor will you be especially welcomed as a Muslim. In Doha, you are simply Qatari or not. You will be an American expat here.