Salary for American Muslim Attorney in Qatar?

By ShaheemAli •
Hello, all!
What is a good monthly salary range and benefit package for Attorneys (Legal Counsels) in Doha, Qatar, particularly working for Qatar Petroleum or Qatar Foundation? I am a Caucasian, American Muslim Convert Attorney from California.
Thank you. I appreciate your response.
Though Qatar is usually a municipal legislations jurisdiction, your Sharia legislations all judges family members matters, monetary gift lawsuits along with legal situations. On the other hand, Qatar makes it possible for girls to operate a vehicle whilst Saudi Arabic bans girls from accomplishing this. phoenixdwiattorney
If I can throw in my 2cents ...
Your friend is right in a way. the Arabs unfortunately see the American Caucasian as the dominant race when it comes to employment and hence their pay grade reflects this. They have them on top, followed by Brits/Canadians then other europeans ect.....
Now my advise would be, if you wanted to move to Qatar for religious purposes, do not mention it to them, once you are here practice in your own time. Use your Citizenship as your gambit,,,and not the fact you are a revert. It may play against you..CRAZY I KNOW.
mention it, but do not highlight it.
thats my thought on it.
Thanks, anadoob. I am seriously considering any options available. I have already been notified that I will be doing an interview shortly from one company. I am also considering taking the Bar Exam, getting the results and then applying. On the other hand, if I can get a good offer, I will try to negotiate time to come back to the U.S. to take the Bar Exam next February. One of the other reasons I want to work there is because I want to live in a Muslim country and be close to Mecca and Medina, without having to live in Saudi Arabia.
How long have you been there and where are you from originally? Thanks.
in any kind of job in Qatar, they are paid according to:
1. race - passport, skin color and nationality. let's call it racism but its common in Qatar.
2. experience & skills
3. education/degree
it is not because of our beliefs nor religion.
don't worry bro you'll get paid enough. don't miss the chance
Thanks for the input, Mandi.
You have a cute website. However, I see a few problems. You have your degree (from an evening, part-time law school) but you have not yet passed the bar. Therefore you have not been a practicing lawyer. The Gulf usually demands at least three years prior experience for an entry-level position. The Westerners you see pulling down large salaries generally have twenty to thirty years professional experience and have climbed their corporate ladders and paid their dues many times over. Also, although you plan on passing the bar (and believe me, the companies will note the gap between graduation and successful bar exam) this does not prepare you for international law, particularly the unique issues of the Gulf and the local laws of Qatar. You seem to be an eager, bright young go-getter so I suspect you could find a job in Qatar. But it may not be at the salary you would like, nor will you be especially welcomed as a Muslim. In Doha, you are simply Qatari or not. You will be an American expat here.
And actually, they're the best!
Jewish Attourneys earn the most as they are the rarest in Qatar.
Most Q-Bosses are pure Iranian at QP. In their mind they were told they are white because they were allies with Germany during WWII. But, DNA exposes them of having at least 1% African in them along with all American white people. Shaheem observe your boss closely and ask him a detailed specific question in your contract. If he tells you to go ask someone else, get the message the way to survive in this country is to do NOTHING! Be multicultural. I'm having difficulty adjusting to this lifestyle.
hi and good day to you atty. shaheem ali, my suggestion is to better lay your cards to them (desired salary, allowances, accommodation, tickets etc) so that you'll be satisfied before accepting the offer. job requirements and experience will be the basis of the salary, not the race nor the religion. Good Luck!
I converted to Islam in 1993 and legally changed my name to Shaheem Wahid Ali in 1994. So, my name is what it is. I haven't gone by my birth name in over 18 years and won't ever change back my name. I have a business website with my picture and info on it,, in the event you are curious as to whether I really exist. Also, I am on Facebook and WAYN. Here is the link for my law school; Dean Piggott is one of the people who had written a Letter of Recommendation for me. I am sure you can do a simple Google Search of my name. I used to live in Stockton, CA. Now, I live in Elk Grove, CA.
Now that we got that out of the way, I appreciate your insight, and I don't question your medical background or name. I am obviously new to this blog. I guess there is tension there where you are. Anyhow, have a wonderful day. it is past midnight here so time to sleep.
I agree with you lion4lion that we are all equal, as does my Somali-American friend. Islam teaches this as well. He simply stated to me his understanding as to how the pay scale is in the Gulf States (though I also agree it is not just and fair)and his opinion as to what characteristics about me Qatari bosses would find of value. It doesn't make one Racist by telling me how people are categorized based on citizenship. Facts are facts. I am not there to judge an employment structure. I am simply inquiring about jobs that may be available to me and attempting to get information as to payscale, etc. My intention certainly was not to offend you or anyone else. It is a completely different structure in Qatar, compared to the U.S.
the one telling you to be Cocasion or Irland or spanish, or to be black or white, He has Racism
We are All Equal
Wow! That is different. I am sure they are exposed when they claim to have a law degree or law license and they are unable to write a proper brief, or a physician is called on to do care for patients. I would think their new job would be very short-lived.
Like Indian names or some other common name. I once caught a professor who left one of her resumes in the photo copy machine. She had two jobs but with two different Phd.s Nobody caught her first name which was Bashara which is a male's first name. She claimed her degree was from Canada and had it's equivalency done in California. Now I know how she got her house in San Marino, CA that costs 3 million.
Normally, you have your transcript sent directly from your school or show your degree. The company will call the school to verify and look up the rank of your school.
In the arab countries they have a process that doesn't verify degrees. It only authenticates the schools exists. You send it to the state department to get it stamped then to the Qatar consulate in D.C. authenticated or verify. Again, this doesn't prove anything. Just think of all the loop holes you could do in this process.
How difficult is it for HP to simply contact the Law School from which they graduated?
I have an authentic JD Degree from Humphreys College, Laurence Drivon School of Law. I simply need to take (and of course, pass)the California Bar Exam next February to practice here. I noticed that there are Attorneys in the Gulf States with only Bachelor Degrees in Law from different countries.
Thanks, Brin. Much appreciated. Your info gives me an idea. I was told to apply for Contract Specialist as well. My main goal is to find out what may be offered.
Qatar Foundation and Q-tel will probably boot you out. Qatar Petroleum managers don't seem to have authentic degrees themselves. Those managers are working there because they took out a student grant from the QP that requires them to work there. So they don't know who they are hiring, not to mention they need you to do their job for them. Any HR personnel who aren't American's don't know how to verify credentials.
My friend has worked for QP for 17 years. He is Somali-American and he explained that an American Citizen with a law degree is paid well in Qatar, that as an American, I would have a high pay scale. He believes that as a Caucasian-American Convert, my ability to get hired increases. However, another person on this blog stated that it is your Passport (Citizenship) that is considered, not my religious belief or race. In fact, one blogger believed I would be treated better if I was a Christian. Anyhow, I am looking for information and advice because I would like to move to a Progressive Muslim country with my family.
Guys, seriously, give the guy a break.... asks a question thats all.
Shaheem, you will be looking at around 45,000 QAR per month salary. Then accomodation averaging 15k qar, schooling, medical (ofcourse) and transportation (this will be around 6000 qar per month).
I am taking the Bar Exam at the end of February, 2013. I graduated in May, 2011 with a JD but have been working with various law firms in California and Nevada for about four years, writing pleadings for them, doing legal research, reviewing contracts, etc in Real Estate, Personal Injury and General Contract Law.
LOL....he's fake then
LOL! I thought the same thing until a friend of mine at QP told me how and why people are hired there. Thanks for the info.
What is your license number? You name is not listed even if I do a sound a like search. Big companies usually hire American's at high salaries because they are able to verify degrees and licenses.
lion4lion, a payment salary schedule by grade would be very useful. I appreciate your help. Thank you.
If you are not well aware of the GCC laws it will be difficult to get a job in the public sector but there are big firms who are appointing legal advisors. Salary normally depends on your Nationality and experience.
You have mentioned that you are
1) American
2) White
3) Converted Muslim
4) Married
How does any of those things matter to the person hiring you?
Why don't you tell us your experience and what you have done over the years to give you a better answer?
Oh never mind, forgot for a second that we are talking about a job in Gulf here..
You should get around 20,000 USD per month with accommodation and a 4WD. Schooling for kids and paid vacation of 2 months per year along with medical benefits and plane tickets for your entire family.
No matter what answer you get here, the chances are you could get much higher or much lower, based on the position you are applying for. Alternatively, you can state what pay you would consider acceptable, as we have no ideas of your current earnings
Hey feb
QF and QP is the hieghest pay in qatar, but also other organizations paying good, and it depend on your level of Exp. if you want payment salary schedual by grade i will give you,plus don't forget allowances which is is also good payment, it is only for goverment pay, don't look to your side either you are white , black, indian, as you have american nationality
All the best for you
Shaheem I suggest you to go to theres a section for the salary range check it out,,, it might help.
feb0211, thanks for responding. It is much appreciated. So with a US Passport and being Caucasian-American (White), any idea as to pay scale for Attorneys with a JD Degree from America, particularly for QP or QF? Thanks, again.
Thank you, mr not so cheap. I appreciate the warm welcome. Any idea as to the pay scale level for Attorneys there who are Caucasian American Citizens who are married with children?
Thanks, again.
Salary is not based on religion but on your passport and skin color.
if you were a christian, you would have been treated better
but do come here