In every other country, being at the back of the mind for drawing comparisons, factories are part of the total set up of the society where after work you walk out to a world outside to have other distractions/ diversions. Qatar, for me atleast, is synonymous to an industry. To achieve any distraction/ diversion beyond the routine life one needs to get out and that means fly out else live on the facilities provided by the company (i.e. Qatar) which then obviously tend to become boring after a while due to its repetitive nature and fixed boundaries.
In every other country, being at the back of the mind for drawing comparisons, factories are part of the total set up of the society where after work you walk out to a world outside to have other distractions/ diversions. Qatar, for me atleast, is synonymous to an industry. To achieve any distraction/ diversion beyond the routine life one needs to get out and that means fly out else live on the facilities provided by the company (i.e. Qatar) which then obviously tend to become boring after a while due to its repetitive nature and fixed boundaries.