Is Doha a boring place?

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
How do you avoid the boredom trap in Qatar?
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How do you avoid the boredom trap in Qatar?
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Its not a boring place if you are really busy with work life and stuffs. I think during the weekends its a nice place. But during the weekdays its not so exciting , because people come here to work and make money , so its not a tourist spot like Dubai. But yes Doha is trying hard to be like Dubai and I am sure it will be in few years time .
I agree with most people. It can be boring, but since I like to swim, I goto the beach a lot. It keeps me motivated and great exercise. Most people here are super fat. I wonder if there are lots of people with diabetes...?
Agree with aLmAaAa
I always find it strange when ppl who live in Qatar say they miss freedom!!!
I'm sure I already repeated it enough and everyone knows by now that I lived in many countries...and there's not a damn thing that I was able to do ANYWHERE I've been "lrgally" that I can't do here!!! And everything I wasn't allowed to do everywhere else I am unable to do here as well
I can understand ppl being bored for lack of options....or simply cuz they live life by a preset routine which doesn't change....but really u miss freedom??? what do ppl want? legalized prostitution/drugs??? cuz other than that I dunno wat else is left to legalize!!!
not at all
What makes Qatar boring for some of us is the fact that one’s freedom is restricted and there is limit to what you can do here>
It can be seen in a week and then it gets repetitive. I especially noticed how boring it is after visiting other Middle Eastern countries (Lebanon, Dubai, Tunisia, and Morocco) for a month, and then I thought to my self
Gosh this place is so boring! LOL
The height of my excitement on a Friday afternoon - and we're talking 120 Fahrenheit here - is watching “Busy on the phone” moms , and their kids and the maid climb in and out of their top-of-the-range Land Cruisers and Range Rovers, and Enjoy the modern architecture, admire the sweep of the Corniche and dream of cool, rainy days..
to enjoy more of Doha and surroundings.
No place is boring, it depends on how your manage your daily activities and your leisure time.
Bottom line is.....Any place on earth becomes boring if ur used to a single routine that is not subject to any change and ur not open to any new ideas
Define boring? I believe you can find lots of activities. It all depends on what makes you happy. For example, if you are bored, you can always go out and take a walk and go exploring. There are many things to do. Do what pleases yourself.
it is totally not better than Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, USA and all the other nations with fun activities!
Honestly, boring? Yes.! true..!! :D
Compared to other countries i have lived, its not the best place so yeah its a bit boring. Takes a good while to get used to.
Desert Trip/ Safari Trip/Borders of Qatar Trip sa Eid 100 per head
6 person per 4x4 car
Private arrangement at 3pm today
pm ME..:)
or at anytime and day you want
If you are bored, have kids. That way you'll be running your butt off wishing you were bored!
Place is fine. People is boring.
What kind of music?!/pages/Where-In-Qatar/276934289094755
It all depends on how you enjoy yourself. For me its work, six days a week and each day getting back home and being with family is relaxing like nothing else. Just think of all those people stuffed up in labour camps who go home once in two years. Going out and enjoying happens only on thursday nights and friday evenings. I havent been to Dubai or London, so I find Doha is a very good city and I intend to be here for a long time.
People get bored either because they have too much free time or because they have a very restrictive idea of enjoyment.
I will soon start learning Arabic at Fanar. Insha Allah, I'll buy a DSLR soon and start clicking. There are many relatives to visit, friends to hang out with. Once in a while I might go for a long drive with my camera. I would go for movies occasionally.....
Its just 24 hours per week. There is a lot to do to not get bored.
Drink Alcohol and enjoy!
I really am not insulting this country and saying everything is bad here..there are good aspects like the fact that it is safe and stable to a certain extent.
I criticize it because of the many injustices that are happening and I believe in change. I am an Arab and I know I am not stupid and I believe I and other Arabs can do wanders if we stop this ignorant mentality in the Arab world especially in the Gulf Region... We always blames others instead of blaming ourselves.
For all you who are reading this look at the country called Singapore.It is so small like Qatar yet it is innovative and a world leader in many industries... compare it to Qatar and you will realize it has much more to offer even though the State of Qatar has much more potential to be honest.. The only reason why this country is not moving forward is due to the lack of will to work, to be educated individuals who contribute to society and this is all tied up to the backwards mentality which is money is everything... Money is not everything and proof of that is Qatar has all the money in the world but no freedom, entertainment, education, knowledge, and fun....
Talal for president!!!
This is so refreshing to know that there are people here too who prefer good things in life...:)
Well, Qatar is, obviously, not boring for everybody. It all depends on one's expectations,culture.
For me it is boring. Yes, I would like to go to parks, but I don't ,because the behaviour of many people there is not acceptable for me ,so I stay away.
I'd like to take walks, but walking along the Corniche breathing in car fumes is just not for me.
I love the beach...but I'd like to feel comfortable wearing beach attire that is acceptable to me...this is not quite possible here. Plus the beaches are dirty and not taken care of. so I go very, very seldom.
Just a few examples why Qatar is boring for me.
Now, I do not complain, as I knew very well what I was getting into before I came here.
This is just an explanation as to why I find it boring.
Smoke, if this keeps up I'll have to join crazy moms in Qatar...
says the person with the childish Garfield picture
Talal is not suffering... his just being realistic, sadly the fact hurts if we were involved.
I will add to that Talal, there isn't even a bus where women can take instead of taxis, not all of us have cars. All the country's money is spent on building more compounds, important things like construction of roads is pushed aside. I think entertainment venues will come at the bottom of the list.
do not try to be smart by trying to compare Iraq to Qatar..Iraq has had a war and instability and thousands of problems and even in Iraq under the former dictator you had some level of religious and economic there is so much money and a small population yet we see no progress at all..Nothing but cheap talk.. no entertainment, no generous salaries except for a few based on nationality combined with connections... there is alot of work to be done? why are they making it so hard for ppl to get a job? especially ppl who worked here and got educated here..whats the excuse? stop giving stupid excuses..its amazing how unaccountable and irresponsible ppl r over here in this country...were is the entertainment? why not make a place like Disney land? why not make awesome laser shooting place or a huge indoor ice skating ring with awesome state of art technology? I can go on forever
Talal seems to be suffering from split personality..lets leave him here to debate with himself.
well if you want to be a robot or an animal fine but humans live to work and experience life and have fun and learn and try new things......
life is about love, shelter, career, security, education, sex, progress, and entertainment but you seem to think life is about working only which is against human nature in terms of logic, religion, and nature...
and even when it comes to work this is the most unprofessional country when it comes to work. You have an extremely uneducated workforce and not to mention not ambitious at all...
let me think
1- go out with hot chicks
2- awesome beach parties
3- nice work atmosphere since it is professional
4- much more variety in restaurants and shopping malls
5- much easier to obtain a work and tourist visa
6- there is an actual nice waterpark not like the waterpark here which is next to the saudi border that no one actually goes to....
shall I go on? I can go on forever...
LIQ you should join Mums in Qatar or something like that..i think its a group here on QL...they have plenty of activities to do and meetups.
maybe in ur universe if you like to sleep in tents all day
Simple as that. I'm not into the mall scene, unless you hand over an unlimited credit card, but how much shopping can one do.....don't think my kids would be entertained.
I feel imprisoned inside my compound. People tend to lock themselves inside. There's not enough beaches in near proximity. Aghhhh just bored.
Well I pretty much feel miserable as it is hard to find something actually USEFUL to do , like book clubs (people meeting), Chess clubs, educational fun stuff, sports etc.... without having to go all way half qatar to join a club....especially for some one in Al Wakra
In every other country, being at the back of the mind for drawing comparisons, factories are part of the total set up of the society where after work you walk out to a world outside to have other distractions/ diversions. Qatar, for me atleast, is synonymous to an industry. To achieve any distraction/ diversion beyond the routine life one needs to get out and that means fly out else live on the facilities provided by the company (i.e. Qatar) which then obviously tend to become boring after a while due to its repetitive nature and fixed boundaries.
Victory_278692: You can do that on your "paid holidays"
Sky diving, sking on snow mountains, Rains, beautiful lakes and rowing boats
booze on the streets and metal shows...
and booze... =P
I really don’t understand why people feel so miserable being in Doha :P
Tell me what is it you want to do here that you can’t?
still depends.. if department stores are bliss to you.. well..not mine though. but I came here to earn not to play around.. i played too much already..
Be both?
You guys are lucky because you have Doha of Today. We back 20-25 years ago, Doha was nothing and only 2 Department Stores.
Doha is the place to work not for pleasure.
you're right blosted... it depends on the culture you grew up with.
I grew up in a liberated country and, yeah, I find it boring...
Marco.....Thx for the offer
well I am pretty sure the locals do not find it boring,since they can do pretty much anything without useless paper works.
There's always an option.
Yes it is
kinda boring... it is... sorry..
Qatar is not boring as long as QDC is open.
For me- It's a change of scenery for a while. I go Dubai sometimes... I love the pics of flickr.
Thanks for the reply, spock.
Cleared my doubts. :)
Thanks for the tip. I'll do something about the avatar, maybe.
Dont show your back on Ql especially when khanan is around :P
The hair isn't real, it's a toupet. I hadn't fixed it properly when they took the picture.
Thats coz Spock does not like to SEE or SPEAK nonsense...he only likes to listen to it :P
And the picture shows me from the back!
Some people think alike, Rizks.
by the way, there ain't much difference between ur DP pic and LP's...he was blind with one eye and you dont have eyes and nose at all...:)
member for 1 week and 22Hrs, LP has shared with you many things Spock ? :(
According to one QL, Thread now deleted title I LOVE DOHA.
This is the best and most exciting place to be in the GCC.
He oopsed himself by typing eight zeros. He said to me, he didn't want to become an institution like britexpat.
What happened to your friend LP?
Did he post something irrelvant to Qatar on QL and got oooppssed ? ;)
damn I need sometime 3 days weekend and 28 hours day to fully enjoy Doha..alot postponed due to lack of time :(
The picture is offensive :P
We have a very effective map beautifully made by one of the Qler 'Dracula'...tat map shows right spots for those people who are bored in Doha-Qatar...:)
If you put that together: Durex, virgin, then the Big Bang makes sense. But it's only a theory. Therefore the boredom.
He's also thinking about a virgin!
DUREX!! OMG! O_o! Just saw that!!
Yep, the Industrial Area is it!
Zafirah, it's a TV series, and MM watches it all day, all night. Hence he is bored.
The Cities of Ghosts.
Did you say boring... then most of you guys have not been to the Industrial area where things happen.....atleast after 5.00 pm
virgin, durex,superman .....big bang.
If it's in Dohanews it must be true!!
Oops sorry, missed that comment
I said above: "Dubai is boring, Doha is exciting."
Spock that should make Doha more exciting than Dubai, not boring.
TheDarkKnightRises: Breed :P
They can not drive like idiots in Dubai. Only Doha, yes!!
Yeh Brit, and from ABC and the Telegraph too :P
What can people do in Dubai that they can't in Doha, curious.
Lost in Qatar : you can be my friend :P
It's becoming boring because people just cut and paste from Doha News :O(
Tahsinmim yes they are copying Dubai but the CTRL V not working properly.
Good you realised so soon ;D
More money more honey more fun and vise versa
Extremely boring, but Im guessing it's due to the lack of friends. Stuffing my face with junk food is a temporary fix.....need to make friends fast!
Dubai is boring, Doha is exciting.
its toooooooo much boring , still i dont know how i will pass through this ?!!!!!