What's with the love of Malls.... I personally think money could be better spent building concert halls, for top named singers, or theaters for professional plays.
Build things for people and kids to do. Sports Arenas like Rock climbing, anything to be active. My 9 year old loved kids day where his scout group got to do rock climbing, skateboarding etc..in a indoor gym. Why isn't there anything positive like that ?
I personally don't find the need for malls, never have, never will, unless for a cinema like Britexpat says.
What's with the love of Malls.... I personally think money could be better spent building concert halls, for top named singers, or theaters for professional plays.
Build things for people and kids to do. Sports Arenas like Rock climbing, anything to be active. My 9 year old loved kids day where his scout group got to do rock climbing, skateboarding etc..in a indoor gym. Why isn't there anything positive like that ?
I personally don't find the need for malls, never have, never will, unless for a cinema like Britexpat says.