"The sad fact is that the governments of these labourers are turning a blind eye" - or rather, the "governments" of the countries employing these workers don't give a f! (and yes, they could do a lot eg: UAE)
"the governments of these labourers" can't really stop them from leaving. Although they check for minimum wages etc, there's always backdoor. Contracts that are drawn up before leaving are changed once the worker arrives here.
"The sad fact is that the governments of these labourers are turning a blind eye" - or rather, the "governments" of the countries employing these workers don't give a f! (and yes, they could do a lot eg: UAE)
"the governments of these labourers" can't really stop them from leaving. Although they check for minimum wages etc, there's always backdoor. Contracts that are drawn up before leaving are changed once the worker arrives here.