A breath of fresh air.
I like the way that Doha News is presenting factual accounts of what is going on in OUR country - this from today - if your not reading Doha News and you want to understand some of the REAL issues then it is worth visiting.
When an employer is given such power over their employees, we hear stories such as V.R. Lechchmi’s where she told Al Jazeera reporters of when she asked her employers for her salary after she was not paid six months of work. Her answer was fourteen nails inserted into her body.
Yes, that's true. But they can help them after they arrive and take up their cases with more vigour. The embassies keep quiet because the country is dependent on foreign exchange coming in..
As we learnt before the POEA is only for the POEA.... the prisoner Filipinos need to pay their way out of their own country... POEA or Filipino Embassy doesn't care what happens once they are working overseas because they have already taken their money.
But there is the POEA. Are they useless then?
"The sad fact is that the governments of these labourers are turning a blind eye" - or rather, the "governments" of the countries employing these workers don't give a f! (and yes, they could do a lot eg: UAE)
"the governments of these labourers" can't really stop them from leaving. Although they check for minimum wages etc, there's always backdoor. Contracts that are drawn up before leaving are changed once the worker arrives here.
BE remember your post about the Pakistani in Saudi who resigned but they wouldn't let him go home.
I really don't understand how scrapping the sponsor system will make things better.
The sad fact is that the governments of these labourers are turning a blind eye and the workers suffer hardships because they have no choice - supply and demand.
and here is the enemy of humanity and all that is good......
"The private sector is at odds with what the government says. Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vice-Chair Mohamed bin Ahmed Al Kuwari told a local daily, “An employer brings a worker from overseas, provides him hands-on training to do a specific job and makes him skilful, so he has the right to retain him. It is not right on the part of a foreign worker to ask for sponsorship change because he owes his job and skills to his employer.”