Ideas to prevent infanticide and feticide in India and China....
1-Spread the word and make sure that your voice is heard and these ideas are implemented.
2-Indian and Chinese males should stand up to their own moms and dads when they start chirping about unwanted female children.
3-Come down hard on those who practice it ( I don't mind the death penalty to be implemented here )
4-Refuse marriage of women into households or be very careful of families that have only male children or a very high percentage of males. Chances are high that they did you know what.
5-If you have a female child; rub it in other people’s faces by educating her and providing her the same opportunities as a male child. This is the one thing that makes female killing folks look foolish and dumb.
6- Try male infanticide for a change!
Ideas to prevent infanticide and feticide in India and China....
1-Spread the word and make sure that your voice is heard and these ideas are implemented.
2-Indian and Chinese males should stand up to their own moms and dads when they start chirping about unwanted female children.
3-Come down hard on those who practice it ( I don't mind the death penalty to be implemented here )
4-Refuse marriage of women into households or be very careful of families that have only male children or a very high percentage of males. Chances are high that they did you know what.
5-If you have a female child; rub it in other people’s faces by educating her and providing her the same opportunities as a male child. This is the one thing that makes female killing folks look foolish and dumb.
6- Try male infanticide for a change!