well moza isn't exactly the paragon of reason and righteousness. it is truly in bad taste and disrespectful to joke about fires that have been happening lately. but it is even more distasteful to justify a stupid comment with feminist rhetoric and pathetic attempts to seem liberal.
yep, i'm calling it stupid again. for some reason i can't find any other word to describe moza's thinking. never quite forgave her for the dogs and asians comment. i don't think i'll ever take her seriously anytime soon.
well moza isn't exactly the paragon of reason and righteousness. it is truly in bad taste and disrespectful to joke about fires that have been happening lately. but it is even more distasteful to justify a stupid comment with feminist rhetoric and pathetic attempts to seem liberal.
yep, i'm calling it stupid again. for some reason i can't find any other word to describe moza's thinking. never quite forgave her for the dogs and asians comment. i don't think i'll ever take her seriously anytime soon.