It's always cheaper to go online. Travel agents are always trying to get to go the most expensive way, plus their service fees. You can save a lot of money by going to sites like or, shop and compare prices, pick the best times. If you use a travel agent, you have to go physically there, stay at home, save money and be comfortable.
Travel agencies are in dire financial trouble. People save so much money going online, soon it will be be very difficult to even find a travel agent. Thomas Cook travel as an example, is in dire financial trouble because of the move online.
It's always cheaper to go online. Travel agents are always trying to get to go the most expensive way, plus their service fees. You can save a lot of money by going to sites like or, shop and compare prices, pick the best times. If you use a travel agent, you have to go physically there, stay at home, save money and be comfortable.
Travel agencies are in dire financial trouble. People save so much money going online, soon it will be be very difficult to even find a travel agent. Thomas Cook travel as an example, is in dire financial trouble because of the move online.
So join the real world, get your tickets online.