and if you allow smoking inside a mall, what good reason will you say for other people to follow no-smoking in other hazardous area. Law is law and defending it the dirty way you do makes the idiocy of you super.
You are a disgrace in this forum and I really wonder why the Mods let you abuse anyone here in the forum with your dirty mouth.
And tell you frankly, even if you can cite 1 million people living 70+ and smoking, it does not, repeat, does not change the fact that smoking is bad for health for the person who smoke and for the second-hand smoke for others.
And also, it is true that smoking causes fire, if you don't know that, then you are what you are with your own words....a RETARD!
and if you allow smoking inside a mall, what good reason will you say for other people to follow no-smoking in other hazardous area. Law is law and defending it the dirty way you do makes the idiocy of you super.
You are a disgrace in this forum and I really wonder why the Mods let you abuse anyone here in the forum with your dirty mouth.
And tell you frankly, even if you can cite 1 million people living 70+ and smoking, it does not, repeat, does not change the fact that smoking is bad for health for the person who smoke and for the second-hand smoke for others.
And also, it is true that smoking causes fire, if you don't know that, then you are what you are with your own words....a RETARD!