Having been hit by a L/C two weeks ago while stationry, I have realized it doesn't mater how well you drive, here you are going to get shunted anyway. I consider myself a good driver. I have nearly 30 years experience and undertook training with the UK traffic police for advanced driving skills. Yet in my 3 years here I have had to file 4 accident reports and that is even with my extra training looking out for potential dangers.

While trying to figure out what is the difference between driving here and back home in the UK is, I am starting to believe that apart from licenses being issued for a very low standard of driving here, the main danger can be attributed to one thing 'AROGANCE'.

Oh and did anyone else read that after this horrendous accident, the emergency services got smashed into while they were attending it.


Two expatriate men were killed and a Qatari injured in two road accidents at the same spot yesterday morning. The first accident took place when a car heading from Salwa Road to the Industrial Area was hit by a car from the rear near the Industrial Area petrol station. Both the vehicles overturned by the impact of the collision and the motorists in them were killed on the spot. As the Traffic Police patrol was investigating the accident, a car driven by a local crashed into the police vehicle. The motorist, who was injured, was taken to the Hamad Hospital. Both the vehicles were damaged.