What you need to consider is what the pay would be in your home country for a similar job, the bonus here is tax free,its a great place to live, but with having children you need to consider school fees, will your company contribute towards them when they are school age? Also the apartment they are offering sounds great but where is it, what is the quality? I have just been out looking and found a great place for 10000, and my husband is fussy! But there is an enormous difference in places on offer. But its not the pearl or west bay area as we could not afford there and we wanted to be very near his site. You can live here cheaply, I always consider myself lucky to be here, sure there are people earning loads more than us, there always will be, but if we can live how we want to live I am happy and I am humbled by the workers here who earn so little and manage to support families at home. I would take the job, the check out how flexible it would be if the apartment doesn't suit you could they give you an allowance to rent your own, if so how much? Good luck with it all.