Offer for Project Manager position
Recently I have been offered a position in Qatar as Project Manager in the construction sector, I live and work in EU and I am European citizen. I have been working since 2002 (10 years experience) and I have a MSc degree in Civil Engineering. I am married and I have 2 baby children ( 3months old)
The offer consists of:
- Basic Salary 25.000 QAR per month;
- 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment;
- Car will be provided;
- Full Medical & Life Insurance for me and my family;
- 30 days off per year;
- Flights twice a year to my country for me and my family.
I would like to have your comments regarding the above and please note that any suggestion & recommendation would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
What you need to consider is what the pay would be in your home country for a similar job, the bonus here is tax free,its a great place to live, but with having children you need to consider school fees, will your company contribute towards them when they are school age? Also the apartment they are offering sounds great but where is it, what is the quality? I have just been out looking and found a great place for 10000, and my husband is fussy! But there is an enormous difference in places on offer. But its not the pearl or west bay area as we could not afford there and we wanted to be very near his site. You can live here cheaply, I always consider myself lucky to be here, sure there are people earning loads more than us, there always will be, but if we can live how we want to live I am happy and I am humbled by the workers here who earn so little and manage to support families at home. I would take the job, the check out how flexible it would be if the apartment doesn't suit you could they give you an allowance to rent your own, if so how much? Good luck with it all.
you should compare the offer of the remuneration against what you earn now in europe. you and i know that europe is a mess and a bankrupt region. if i were you, i dont think twice to accept it. i wont even bother to turn back and return to europe. surprisingly, you still have the thoughts that being 'european' means you deserve more than others. look at yourself. do you speak arabic? can your skin bear the 50 deg C average temperatur on site? (or maybe you think being a PM means sitting comfortably in your aircon site office?) do you know the regulation in qatar wth regards to fire safety, municipality, utilities, civil infrastructure? you can have 100 years of experience, but you are a beginner in the middle east. so dont think too highly of yourself. when you are here, you will be surprise there thousands who are better than you. so be humble.
If you are getting some other Allowances In this offer then it is Gr8 ,otherwise 25k plus all such benefits is normal ,even Most of the reputd Companies Pay this much to Engineers having this much experience..
Need is the mother of Invention
Check on the quality of the apt - whether in west bay or other. Been receiving tons of CV's from the EU. Greece is in a mess - an employer market now
Hi ...
Congrats to a joboffer, life in middle east is often nice, especially for a family i would say. Remember though that if you accept an offer it may be hard to swich to a better one due to rules about sponsorship. Your offer is not the best one, in time it may require that your wife works, to keep up with the standard of living many western familys are having here (if important) Now you have small kids, soon they will start to cost more. Housing...When kids grow you may want to live in a compund, price for an ok western style one is app 13 000-16 000 QR/month. Schooling, even if you have babies now, they grow fast, the company must have policy for daycare/schooling....Salary, I would expect at least 35 000 QR for a well educated, experianced western project manager.
Furthermore I agree with White Knight, it is depending on your lifestyle, some western ppl spend 30 000 QR/month on consumables...some get the family going for 8 000 QR/month....Good Luck
It can be a good, depending on your life style and spending habits. Its a tax free salary enough for your family size. The only spend will be your monthly grocery, baby stuffs and telephone bills.Plus your wife can also find good job if she likes.
Second this will give you a opening to middle east. after some time you can jump for higher salary.