municipality is located at al saad. c-ring road corner al saad road (urban planning)-HSBC bldg. just bring the following for baladiya stamp:

1. 3 copies of agreement
2. building owner i.d. copy
3. copy of your i.d.
4. authorization letter from building owner that he is allowing you to register the flat/villa
5. land title
6. elect & water number

Note that above is if the building owner is owned by a person, but if this were owned by a company or a real estate, then you must include the following:

7. copy of commercial record
8. copy of commercial permit
9. copy of authorized signatory card

If you will noticed, it is easier to have a flat/villa owned by a person. but most properties owned by person don't do baladiya thing. So i suggest before you signed an agreement, make sure that they will provide you an agreement with baladiya stamp.