Basics of driving in Qatar:
1) Doesn't matter if you're at the speed limit in the fast lane; faster car over the limit comes up behind, you move the hell over. no need to be so anal about it.
2) Slow car in the fast lane won't move over; flash at him and if he won't move, just pass on the right(most cases you won't break any rules while doing so)
3) If you're intimidated by fast moving traffic, drive in the slow or middle lane where you can actually be right about not moving over for faster cars.
4) Stop expecting things to be how you want them. The Qatari driving culture is age old and all the laws and expatriates whining in the world won't change it. So join them if you can't beat them and if you won't, then just stay in the slow lane and bear it. Don't rant and whine and stress yourself; because no one is listening.
5) I'm not saying it's right but just deal with it instead of ranting online and finding other people to moan with you.
Sorry for any offense but whiners are just as annoying as the flashing locals. Have a great weekend guys:-)