Driving in Qatar. It can’t get any BITTER!

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Driving Alert! : Count on an average of three hairy incidents per short car journey. (Count on a lot more during rush hour). You will get forced off the road by people driving on the wrong side, screech to a halt to avoid people lunging into your right of way into roundabouts, learn to pause a second before going through a green light because of people shooting the lights... in a word, NO!
and my turn to be anal now haha..the black car is a Land Cruiser and not a Range Rover while the other SUV is a Nissan Patrol..that's all..i'm done being an arse for the day:-)
Basics of driving in Qatar:
1) Doesn't matter if you're at the speed limit in the fast lane; faster car over the limit comes up behind, you move the hell over. no need to be so anal about it.
2) Slow car in the fast lane won't move over; flash at him and if he won't move, just pass on the right(most cases you won't break any rules while doing so)
3) If you're intimidated by fast moving traffic, drive in the slow or middle lane where you can actually be right about not moving over for faster cars.
4) Stop expecting things to be how you want them. The Qatari driving culture is age old and all the laws and expatriates whining in the world won't change it. So join them if you can't beat them and if you won't, then just stay in the slow lane and bear it. Don't rant and whine and stress yourself; because no one is listening.
5) I'm not saying it's right but just deal with it instead of ranting online and finding other people to moan with you.
Sorry for any offense but whiners are just as annoying as the flashing locals. Have a great weekend guys:-)
There are benefits to driving in Qatar. You grow these cute little eyes in the back of your head. BTW, I have never had an accident in Qatar.
snessy, agree...
Try driving in Saudi :O(
Do you have a first aid training or any thing ?
By pulling out a person that way you might have done more harm than good .
snessy, agree with you.... :)
This Kind of Topics have come up ample of times!
Better to be safe, Then Sorry....
To be fair to the locals, they're usually the first to stop when they see an accident and help. Others stop and stare like it's a freak show...
I love driving in Doha.. you can gain quite a lot of skills: quick reaction, dexterity, increased mobility, yet calmness, sanity, and ability to ignore idiocity.. also it increases your adrenaline and makes you feel superman (in my case superwoman) while fighting for your life and managing to survive every single moment on the road.. great experience!
fubar: True said. couldn't agree more.
It's best to assume that any car, driven by any nationality or any gender has the potential to do something stupid on Qatar's roads.
Sometimes I'm tempted just to try taking one of the buses here. It has to be safer than being in a car. At least if you're in an accident you won't be hurt too bad.
UkEngQatar: I couldn't agree more. That’s why you don't see me up on here shouting “Bloody local"! Some of the comments above just stink with cowardice, hatred and some depreciable hypocrisy.
so sweet, hope you two meet again,, hope for the best
MN..It nice to see and talk to a nice local chap once in while..So not all local drivers are bad. It depends on the person.
A high number of accidents in Qatar and around the world would involve young and inexperience drivers, whose testosterone are too high at times and make them drive like crazy when they get behind the wheel!
Increase number of policars on streets, introduce anonymous police cars, Impound vehicles on the spot. That what is done in UAE already. What is the MOI waiting for ? Sorry but driving within Doha is a nightmare.
UkEngQatar: so romantic LOL
thwho186 .....hah!!
Talking of Good Local drivers. Met an amazing Gentleman at a traffic signal yesterday. He was in his LC along my car. we both had cigarettes in our hand our windows were lowered, so he started talking and said that "No Smoking" as to start a conversation, while at the same time taking the next puff of his fag.
Brought a smile out of me and I replied back saying, Have a nice and he replied back you too with a smile. I know this incident might be a one off. But really made my day that a local gentleman trying to make conversation at a traffic lights..:)
citizens/locals are good drivers
Well it was a Figure of speech. Quick thinking MN,I must admit i used that sentence to make u admit you being a citizen LOL. But still a fine job done Treat yourself to a nice steak Meal :)
absolute maniacs!!
Last night I while driving on the C Ring Road an ambulance came as responsible driver I pull on towards the side to allow the ambulance to pass through as I was getting back into my lane I saw this car flashing and trying to chase the ambulance but I did not give him way and he started to sound his horn I gave him the gesture saying NO NO this is not right. When he saw that I was not going to budge he gave up and just joined the rest of traffic calmly.
He was not a local, in fact the guys appeared to be from the subcontinent and he got my message that his act was shameful and was not acceptable.
So all you Ambulance chasers out there. Please don't do this. It's not RIGHT, its not RESPONSIBLE and definitely not ACCEPTABLE.
Citizen: don't be fooled by the Qatari attire in the profile. I'm not a citizen. (-:
driving in Qatar is the best way to have an accident,, free healthcare baby!! lol
Good Job MN You are one Model Citizen!!! and nice Photography too
Alien coz I was there when the accident happened, and I was one of the people who pulled him out of the car, AND obviously I was the one who too these pic's (:
Its not clear to me Marc Nandoz... besides how can one tell if he was an Expat??
I just felt sorry for the guy in accident, whoever he/she is. Hope he/she learned the lesson.
But its ok Fubar as i am going to be shifted to the head Office in Corniche so hope things will be better.For the LC guys who tailgate hope they get bird dump on their windshield for the rest of their Life LOL!!
fubar :black Range Rover with the special low gloss paint was driven by a "An Expat " you can see him sitting next to his car in the first pic.
Yes he drives another car just to live to die another day!
LC and RR can bring the monster in you. It can posses you
No way, Alien. I don't drive in Qatar!! I can't cope with the stress of it. And I avoid taking D-Ring at any cost. That road is mental!!!
Fubar for President ...... of the D-ring Road
I can only applaud, fubar. One idiot less on the roads. Unfortunately he may have another car and continues.
Yes fubar I agree, do these speed mean machines bring the monster out of the ones behind the steering wheel?
Can I just say, at the risk of generalizing a bit...
That black Range Rover with the special low gloss paint, looks exactly like the kind of car driven by the sort of person that terrorizes the 'normal' vehicles on the road.
It's exactly the sort of car that you would see in your rear vision flashing at you, swerving between lanes, and jumping through the red light at a roundabout.
For me, seeing it rammed up against a concrete barrier actually brightened my day. I have a vision in my mind of this guy flashing a Tiida and trying to drive up the hard shoulder to overtake it, and clipping the wall, causing his own self-inflicted injuries.
I wonder if he was wearing a seatbelt?
it's way better to drive in doha than manila.
even if it a jet or an airplane or a ship in the passing lane, LC's will still flash them. Lol!
nice payback imagination lol!!!
dey cant stand a second near the BEST guys
I'd like to see those Lc guys flash a BEST Bus.. He will pretent to give them the way then he will swing back smack them up and say it was an Accident...
lols. u gave me the answer :)
Pappu i use BEST Bus.... or my Brother drives me around Lol
yeah but still no matter how rich you are it still feels like they are saying " move out of my way!! you weakling"
but actually that's a good Technic you have there lol!! I'll remind myself that a few years time I can make my own business in my home town
for sure u must be driving in mumbai, have u ever tried comparing the experience
Ya i feel the same thwho186.... LOL. But its ok i keep reminding myself that i have 5 properties in Mumbai and i am as good as them maybe better.
Yeah I guess, I did learn to Adapt thats why i never had an accident so far. Thanks Guys for YOUR VIEWS . I am glad this topic came up thanks op
and there is no such rule to drive on the max limited speed and be on fast track u have to give way to those crossing the limited speed.
sometime my pride decrease everytime that happens, do you feel the same way?
that you do not stay on the passing lane, intiendes? You are the one being unfair by not giving that way to them. You said it right, they want to break the speed limit, let them be, but why bother to annoy them?
Obviously, you are not a "GOOD" driver.
I support anti-cruelty to animals. I have learned not to humiliate the donkeys, buffalows & camels.
yup unless you wana keep 100 or go above , why on the fast track??..
Alien only fair solutions r either adapt or quit driving and hire a monthly transportation :)
overtaking lane.
AG what others do is their problem and what u do is accountable. So u do what is right and dnt have to worry what LC guys are doing as driving is not something you have be tensed about hold your emotions for something better :-)
See flor1212 i know what the laws are and i follow them and respect the law i am reffering to the bullies that tailgate and dont overtake me since they want to go over the speed limit. If they want to break the law let them do it but dont be Unfair to law abiding people.
Just pray that you reach your destination and home safely. Accidents are just one of the risks that you will face if you are driving. With 5 years driving experience in Saudi and I find driving in Qatar is a lot more safe.
PASSING or overtaking lane.
AG, there is no fair or fair solution. Just remember, stay on the right lane whatever your speed and use the passing lane if you want to overtake. PERIOD.
Now that is the complete truth thwho186. Atleast someone has the balls to admit this fact. Now i will keep bearing injustice...Sometimes.
life is unfair, we all know that, LC are the badboys,, they will pretend that they are in a hurry but they only want to push you aside cause your car is small
But i am driving at the top legal speed. Ok and when i do this to a slow driving guy in a nice big car in the fast track he dosent move why is that can anyone please explain? I want some Fair Solution here?
driving at the limited speed is correct but driving on the fast track at the limited speed is wrong.
If the guy flashin u it means he is in hurry so ur role is to give him way... simple :)
But what can i do i want a solution from this daily harrasment is it my fault that i drive a black nissan tida. So that means i need to Drive a LC or any other flash car to get road respect??
GET OUT of the PASSING LANE. Stay at the middle or right lane. With your kind of attitude, you will annoy many people, not only those in LC's.
is there another way to resolve this?
Learn to adapt, precisely you need to drive defensively. If this happened on the road, RANT and take out your RAGE in WORDS. Just don't pull down the window. At least you released the tension.
calling a cops is the worst thing you can do
Please be fair.
You just brushed aside the 'toilet fall' incidents so easily with you own justfication.
Those two were 'never' the reasons of falling in the report based on actual data.
How is it...for eg if the max speed is 100.we ll be driving at 90 o 95, even then you will see flash behind coming double your speed cos dey know exactly wer the cams r placed..:)
Arien I drive to Industrial using the D-Ring road I am driving @ 100kms thats the legal speed limit and on Land Cruser guy (Will not metion His Nationality) Flashes me i dont move then they start harassing me so could i have called the cops ?
Alien if you are driving below the max permitted speed , give way.Otherwise simply ignore the flashes.
Are there any traffic rules regarding Tailgateing other cars or its perfectly legal to do this in Qatar?
Blue rose so everybody else who don't die they live nothing brave abt that survival is the most basic instinct in all life forms
Getaway if u want to act like an stupid racist its upto u but atleast be smart about it and don't be an idiot sand nigger applies to all arab not asian so qatari r included in that term
And OP accidents happens they r not intentional. Just try to drive safely and give way:)
It's horrible to drive in Qatar. Everyone have to buy Land Cruisers or Safari to survive in Qatar! Smaller engine cars (like 1.8 - 2.0 ltr) owners have to pull-off when the 4X4 comes behind. Otherwise they will shoot you by their speed and expensive, luxury head lights as they are show off. Very careful when you drive specially in Qatar!
poor car
getaway: stop being such a racist.
Blue.. Thats a nice one..
They only fall when they're drunk or have a heart attack, MM. You can't compare that. On the roads we talk about attempted murder! (Because they SHOULD KNOW better). Alternatively, they are all idiots.
Take it easy.
Does any one know how many people fall from the toilet seat & get hospitalised every year ?
Don't sensationalise a particular type of incident !
I think it's safer to ride a bicycle in Doha than to attempt to drive in the traffic.
to the list the morons who drive without their headlights! you don't see them coming until they are right on top of you and then they flash their lights!!!!
nice one
so, as i still find it easy driving in qatar
have courage to live, anyone can die.
That's life! Brutal and dangerous. Live with it or die.