reminding me of my initial stages when I first adorned my hijab and abayah, and then a year later my niqab. All the trials I faced...Subhanallah. From having to leave my job losing my errrrr..."mate" to being told by my family and associates that I was making a big mistake!
You remind me of all the insults my near and dear threw at me. Like "So you joined the Taliban" "So now you are all covered up eh after all the sins you did..ha ha" to my ex boss saying "you will regret this!"
Happy to say I have never ever regretted my choice till date and my life has only gotten better since then, Alhamdullilah. Time and again in the Quran Allah promises us Sucrets if we obey Him and the messenger. All we need is the faith in this promise of our Lord and put fearing and loving Him above fearing and loving things of this world. Truly then not only will you find success in your trials but you will experience true peace and joy in your endeavors minus of any guilt and uneasiness.