One thing I learned, you can't put anything on an empty brain cell. Die ranting, GKD! I'm satisfied with my new year. You, you rant in 2011, still ranting now, so what do we expect next year?
Oh, BTW, I will be with my good friend, a westerner for a small drink! Care to join? No, I woudln't do that. It will ruin your day, right. You don't want to drink with small people, right. Yes! we are right and you're the opposite! Lolz!
One thing I learned, you can't put anything on an empty brain cell. Die ranting, GKD! I'm satisfied with my new year. You, you rant in 2011, still ranting now, so what do we expect next year?
Oh, BTW, I will be with my good friend, a westerner for a small drink! Care to join? No, I woudln't do that. It will ruin your day, right. You don't want to drink with small people, right. Yes! we are right and you're the opposite! Lolz!