Customer Services in Qatar

UK: Staff providing world class customer services
Qatar: Customers servicing staff
Breaking News:
Copy machine crisis, big issue
Make sure to get copy of all your documents, there is no ‘copy machine’ there and staffs ask you to get copies somewhere else. Eventually, once you finally have all copies and arguing to get you lost turn back, staff have already out for lunch and god know what time they get back to work...Lunch time: 12pm-4pm!!!! ohhh btw... Inshallah...
Well, the most fundamental issue in customer services in Qatar is "Communication". 99.9% of the staff is very poor in communications and never grasp the root of the problem. Also there is communication issue internally among staff which cause even more problem when it comes to resolve the customer's problem and complaints.
Lack of understanding the issue may result in dealing with problems in unprofessional way. Failure to gather accurate information and pass it to different level such as management team, will double up the problem and consequently illustrate the poor customer services.
I was amazed at teh crimes back in Aust,, i wil never go bakc there again to live or vist , have not been now for 7 years not interested, the amount of stabbing and shooting,, people breaking into your house when you are there to steal your TV, australia is not the safe place anymore,,,
Al Rafa for that 4 days? You should have called your hospital back home and maybe, you did not get upset!
DD, I am with you on this one , I try to avoid Al Rafa if I can, but then again 4 days to get through to this freaking hospital?!Should have moved on from the first day it self,... Another of my observances there are many things lacking about this place just as there is in any part of the world, Expats the world over needs to put up with a lot, take a good look down under and analyze the racial murders, mugging and whatever else,.....I would say we are lucky here, at least we get the lesser of the evils...
4 days is already too long for calling! Poor customer service but please let your wife rest! Thank you!
My wife had been calling the Al Rafa polyclinic for 4 days now with no success, so she asked me to try to se if the number is right, yes we checked it on the net,, yes we called Qtel, and was given the number same old same old,, so my wife been trying for 4 day and night Flock all answer,, well HELOO today I tried and I had a human pick up the phone,,, the man human was not any good to me so he handed me to a female human,, what I asked them both was is this the correct number and what hours of operation is the best time to call as my wife had been trying now for 4 days no luck, well she was about as useful as a one legged man in a Rear end kicking contest, so I asked her what was her name please, she asked why in that not interested voice I heard for the past 3 minutes, I said I wanted to place a complaint in to her boss as their customer service is crap.. Her reply. ….SHE Hang up.. so as I see nothing has changed,, if the office phone rings leave it,, not my problem ,, but if my mobile rings I pick up even if I am talking to a customer … so don’t tell me there is good customer service in DOHA in ant profession thank you …
Everyone has there own experiences when it comes to customer service even if talking of the same person leave aside talking in general ...and then to talk about kissing, carrying bags to car and stating that people who have had an otherwise experience expect the staff to bow and talk and lack social skills just goes to show how much one understands what is customer service, per se... but guess that is what QL is all about ...I am the best in all walks of life just because I have registered as a member longer than you and hitting on my profile will prove that.
Customer Service in Qatar ..Does not exist and if it does it is very very poor..:(
I've always marveled at the nice attitude of the staff behind VERY crowded counters of LULU, Carrefour,FFC, all Fast foods.... attitude is nice , passable to have my purchase checked out, I hardly spend more than 10-15 min max with them , how much more does a customer want, kiss them good bye?carry their bags to their car? and besides they even smile and talk with you if YOU are nice to them, Don’t throw your attitude on them, expect them to bow and talk nice when you are frowning on them ,... and this goes with the counter staff as well, Know where the real problem lies , with the attitude , social skills of the customer as well, lets face it guys, It's only from the Asian countries where the money value is lesser than that of Qatar, that the better people of that country can be found here. To my Pinoy friends,You are doing the best you can, with always scope for improvement, you are my first choice when it comes to select counter sales staff.
maybe some Kabayan willbe angry with me for being sarcastic with these people who speak ill of Pinoys!
Drovers you are blinded by your bias against Filipinos. Check yourself in the mirror and you'll probably see what the real problem is.
I dont think you can translate from english to pino Customer service skill can you,, never seen any in the philippines,, never seen any here,,,,
Hi friends , They have to take course and get good training before being assinged to deal with costumers
Like I said we are talking the "Customer Services" skills.
Anyone has any suggestions what these are????
You will not find what you don't want to see Drovers.
the less said about NHS the much better.
We are talking the customer service skills.. non here in qatar with the pino staff,, you pay peanuts you get monkeys,,,, say no more ...
I can understand it is difficult to accept realities of life, but that's how it is.
GOODBYE! one shop or store in particular...every shop and store I have visited in last 3 years including the maintenance arm of my apartment. Not sure but may be you being from the same place gets you the attention and the answers.
Well I dont know which store or shop you are referring to Prism but most shops that I visit are mostly ran by Filipinos and I always get answers to my queries.
Well, although I agree that customer service is generally low in Qatar, I must say this ; the Filipinas I meet at check out counters , shops etc (except Boots, those are horrid), are friendly. The ones at Lulu are friendly when I smile at them or greet them, otherwise they are not saying anything..probably because they are not expecting to be greeted and smiled at , generally.
The ones at s
Spinneys are ALWAYS nice and friendly.
When it comes to shop assistants and knowledge about products etc...well, THAT is an entirely different story ;)
If a Srilankan or an Indian in the same store has answers to the queries why wouldn't someone from Philippines have them. I sure must be missing something about the training part.
My comment was in response to Drovers who complains that Filipinos serves without a smile and not even a hello. Thats impossible because we are friendly by nature with a ready smile all the time. I believe its the responsibility of the managers/employers to ensure that their staff are properly trained to meet their customer's expectations.
Please don't forget we are not only talking and measuring how friendly people are. We are talking the customer service skills which involve not only the greeting but also the typr of services they provide.
There are number of soft skills which include the customer services standards which needs to be highlighted.
However, I don’t think the ranking above is for this particular subject.
Please share these standards in Customer Services for those who are not too sure what we're talking about...
I love how they rank Friendliness.. I mean what is that magic friendly meter they are using.. USA people more friendly than Italy, Mexico, Brazil?? lol France also??
If I were in so much power, I would execute any person that comes up with those statistics!
Florrrrrrrrrrr, where are you Flor??
U still Alive? How is the Marumi pokpok mom??? hahaha
Are your parents brother and sister?
oh please,,, what where we talking about customer service very bad by pinos as they have no idiea or are we talking about what country is the friendliest country in the world by HSBC bank servey.
Below is a list of the top 15:
1.New Zealand
3.South Africa
5.United States
7.United Kingdom
Drovers, here's a latest survey ranking the Philippines the 8th friendliest country in the world.
Ever heard of a Multi Utility Vehicle!!!
mostly Filipinas in supermarkets and other customer-service related positions? Of course you will say the negative view instead of the positive view of the company management that hired them. Your mind is negatively set! Whatever good you experienced, you will keep on the negative aspect! JUST LIKE MOST OF "YOU"! You know who you are!
where on earth did you come up with that comment nomad-08.. as we say down under you would not know as what you see is normal as you haev not seen real service to comment.. just go to thailand for a day and learn,, you my not friend is the one that lie, yes PINOS I HAVE FOUND have found 1 in 100 give good service. so live with itNomad
You're a liar DD, Pinos are one of the friendliest people on earth.
yes the Lankans and the Thai are the best ,, the pinos,, hay someone has to make up the 99 not so good
99 in 100 is general for me here ...and that one who is good has to be a srilankan or an Indian...Period.
In general = Average talking
say in 100 people, how many? Are you saying that the good services are the isolated one?
Obviously, there are some cases that we may find a standard the customers are fairly expected...
However, we are talking about the customer services "In General" ... which is really questionable here in Qatar.
I was having lunch in at the Intercon Hotel yesterday when I noticed a lovely girl giving great customer service to all the guests, I asked her what nationality she was... as all slim looking Asian girls look the same (great), she replied ...I am Thai,,,, well Hello no wonder, many other Asian staff could learn a thing or 2 from this girl,, congratulations to the Hotel Intercon for hiring a great girl for front of house service.
Thanks behviz much appreciated and I agree people are racist and tend to project their own racism on others.What a shame!!!!
Razia, welcome onboard. We are talking about the level of customer services in this country. we try to share our points and experiences...
Unfortunately, as usual, some people forget this as they
Simply a “VERBAL DIARRHEA”...!!!... They make some nonsense comments and then call other people RACIST...
Anyway, >> FROM NOW ON
instructor what you are insinuating by saying we know why? I am kinda new here and finding my way around
as you claim? Was copying document not taught in your school? Lol!
care to explain? Do you know what is 12 ~4 here?
your wife?
Flor, I don’t understand a word you are saying but just to let you know that we don’t need to go to anywhere you suggest to teach them the ABC. THEY need to come over and learn language and necessary skills...
BTW, we are talking about the customer services “in general” here not pointing to any particular race or nationalities. The Customer services are just appalling...
Tip: if you ONCE trip to UK or any westerner’s countries then you will understand what we are talking about...
Anyway, Flor can I ask you why you aren't sharing any experiences or comments on the topic of this forum instead of arguing and challenging others???!!!
or was it when you where back side with your boyfriend yesterday night before he Expired hahahahhahahahhh
I will consider if ever. Everyone is convinced you're a FAKE! Your English sucks! LOL!
what are you try to say here flor1212,, if you need english lessons let me knwo i haev a ELOL course i can help you out on...
One thing I learned, you can't put anything on an empty brain cell. Die ranting, GKD! I'm satisfied with my new year. You, you rant in 2011, still ranting now, so what do we expect next year?
Oh, BTW, I will be with my good friend, a westerner for a small drink! Care to join? No, I woudln't do that. It will ruin your day, right. You don't want to drink with small people, right. Yes! we are right and you're the opposite! Lolz!
Happy new year flor1212 i see your still upset... by being walked all over by the white western super powers still.. you poor little m*^&ey i am now starting to feel sorry for you and you kind..... wait,,, no it ok,,,im over it now hahahahhahahahahahahah you sad little troll
it's already new year and you're still angry with your Filipina wife. Don't vent your frustrations here. If she wanted you to clean the toilet, just follow her. You can't live without her, right?
and your British standard is too high, I suggest you go to the Philippines and gather all the Filipinos (about 80 millions) and teach them about customer service. Just a tip, don't mention about round-a-bouts, use circle or rotondas. Don't tell take away, say take-out. Don't say "timings" etc etc. And don't drive at the right 'cause the wheel is on the left. What else? Let me think! Ah, discourage them to go to Middle East because there are so many British rejects here who look for good customer services and will generalize all Filipinos because they came out one day not in the mood and already ranting for a year (from 2011 to 2012, that's one year, right?).Lol!
Well some of you were talking about the managers. I got to say that they're even worse.
Let me share one of mine:
I was in Manager's office in well respected compnay the other day. When he heard the issue and noticed that it is bit complicated. He went out for few minutes and said: "I will be back shortly". "No Problem" I said.
Then I hear some laughers and noticed that he and three other staff are playing together. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were throwing their "Tasbih", (the chain they normally carrying in hand) to each other and laughing.
When he returns, I asked him: “Well, did you manage to resolve the issue”. "Hmm, I have no idea how to do it...", he replied. Not surprised for his answer. Anyway, I had to leave his office game with no resolutions.
Where is respect and skills of resolving issues? Where is 'workaround' methodology to provide full satisfactions to the customers, even if you don’t know how to solve the problem?
These are the skills that this country is lacking... and we try to highlight it in here...
Be modest Drovers, I still think that you do not represent all people from downunder.
as i say its a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy of a photo copy, in the end we forget what it ws whe had applied for,,,to the everage pino it all looks good, but how could you teach class when the meaning in not understood????
woop woop 2 aimee77 u tell them
Well it is called conversions ...hahahaha
Drover the problem here is the head of the snake is the problem and he has sheep tht yes the manager himself knows no better and I wonder y he was employed...can i tell can i can
are few but very noisy!
Customer Service in GCC is rubbish. Most people working in customer service do not have a slight idea of what really customer service is all about. To begin with, they do not know how to listen. They are like robots who memorized their scripts without understanding what the person on the other line is talking about.
I echo ur words
I am surprised u did not get gud service...the next question i will then ask were u alone or did a female walk by ur side ????
Definitely will get monkeys when they are payed peanuts.
"most" is? MAybe you are one of the unlucky "few".
Yes I do agree to a certain point training plays a role however, like some1 said or asked when they were interviewed they were obviously selected on wht their abilities are or was it cause it was cheap labour????
What is tht...hahahaaha does it take place here..where, how , who , wht???
Well Flor1212 as for your Kabayans and I will SAY not all but most of them have tht problem of no customer service...huh wht is tht they choose who they will be nice too...nd we know y
cry me a river now.
Many times i asked to see the last time was at the LG on Salwa road,, they said the manager is out back eating dinner,, again i said get him,, i want to see what fool hired you to work here.. but again no,, hide behind door,,,,, what would he do anyway...
Well Drovers, I totally agree with you. There is NO sense of greeting here as they have no idea how to do it...
Obviously, they never seen such a customer services in their life and interestingly enough, when someone willing to give them some advises, they won’t even want to listen to it.
There is no process, communication, coordinations between the staff in here. They have no idea what they are doing. Most of the time I just give up...
why is it alwasy one sided with the HARAM crap in Qatar,, get a life and free speech to all, Happy new year all DD
Good there is no more pinos at QDC counter...they are selling haram products anyways.
well behviz ....The friendly service on xmas day when i went and bought my leg pork and small hams was very good, you alwasy get a smile and a heloo,,, see Sri lanken say no more,, how many pinos did i see behing the checkout counters,,, NON. so whats that saying, HELOOO behviz
Brits' brand of electronics?
Drovers dog: It is not about Philipinos, Indian or other nations. It is about ALL customer services in general.
I was in QNB head office the other day and was waiting to see one of the sections managers. He came to me and said: “I have something very important to you and will be with you in 10 mins”. “No problem at all”, I replied. When he went back to his desk, suddenly I’ve noticed that he is playing games in his BlackBerry mobile. !!!!!
I’m gobsmack about the care, respect to customers... you would never ever find in civilised world....
More incidents to be continued...
Please share your stories...
is in front of you? Even in the Philippines?
You must be that rude in front of these beautiful ladies! I doubt very much your assessment about my "kabayans".
In fact i had to comment on one the other day, she was so bad i asked her who hired her, i wanted to know who hired her, would she of been like this in the interview, promise so much and give uck all, it’s so bad i have not seen one pino give good service here or in the Philippines. How can they give when they don’t know or understand the meaning of the word... in fact ...i have not seen any smile with greeting so far,, as i asked another only 2 days back , what wrong i asked her,, are you having a bad period today,
Did she slap you?
Sooner or later you will encounter something wrong. It's good for me, the wrong are less!
Actually to others, it is also less but tends to make it bigger and make it an issue when they can just ignore it. Less stress and less.....
I have given up expecting customer service here. Believe me, it works and I am happy now. There is no way you can improve that, at least in the near future. They say, When rape becomes inevitable, enjoy it. This is a different world.
products were manufactured from which country?
Customer service is the basic thing in the world which amazingly! some countries still don’t get it.....
Training?!!! To whom? Can’t be serious!!?
you have to remember all they say all the time is Your in Qatar now,,,,,,,,, nothing like the service back home,, it hard to get good service when their is no training,,,
come again? I need banadol! Lol!
read twice...three times... four times...
come again?