of sarcastic anonymous, now if you have not digested my posting, well what could I expect from someone like you. The OP was an arrogant person saying UK driving standard is the best since they are not allowed to take the driving test here.

I bet if they will be asked to, in 10, how many do you think will pass?

DD, I have a KSA, Qatar, China and of course my home town driving for 30 years, ooooppppps, I mean 29 years.

In KSA, I pass the driving test without going to driving school. China, very strict so I took a 100-item computer questioning which one should get 90 out of 100. Computer stop if you hit the 90. Computer stop at item 93 (meaning I made 3 mistake). Then took the actual driving and passed. Qatar, I did a 3-hour refresher practice (just to familiarize the driving test I will encounter) and took a direct exam and passed it also.

Philippines, honestly, after passing the medical, I just got my license! It is still with me after 29 years (Almost 30).

Need I say more? In 10 persons, how many Brits will pass the pocket parking? 10 out 10? Just wish?