provide them with phones and provide them with the right education!
In today's world a mobile phone rather than being a tool of the Satan can be a big blessing. Parents(and I mean all parents not just Muslims) are able to keep tabs on their kids and ensure they are safe, better than before. Besides as a teenager who was not Islamic(May Allah forgive me) I myself never had a cell phone till I started working and still did whatever I wanted. why? because I lacked knowledge and wisdom. And not just myself I know of many boys and girls who let alone not having mobiles they didn't even have any access to any phones and yet they got into drugs, numerous affairs,drunk driving, prostitution, and what not. Why? Because they wanted to..and their parents concentrated so much on physically restraining them rather than educating them as to the dangers of the world and teaching them how best to avoid such evils.
And never think that its only daughters who need protection from "waywardness" this is a common misconception of many parents. You know the whole "only girls can get pregnant" thing which is back ward, foolish and dangerous to say the least and also unIslamic because our Prophet always told us to educate both boys and girls equally. Always teach your children , girls and boys,right from wrong from young days.
If you are a Muslim teach them Islam and make them fear Allah and not mom and dad. That way not just as hormonal teens but even as adults they will always do what is right out of fear of their Lord and to please their Lord and not for the sake of their parents(which is if nothing else shirk).
provide them with phones and provide them with the right education!
In today's world a mobile phone rather than being a tool of the Satan can be a big blessing. Parents(and I mean all parents not just Muslims) are able to keep tabs on their kids and ensure they are safe, better than before. Besides as a teenager who was not Islamic(May Allah forgive me) I myself never had a cell phone till I started working and still did whatever I wanted. why? because I lacked knowledge and wisdom. And not just myself I know of many boys and girls who let alone not having mobiles they didn't even have any access to any phones and yet they got into drugs, numerous affairs,drunk driving, prostitution, and what not. Why? Because they wanted to..and their parents concentrated so much on physically restraining them rather than educating them as to the dangers of the world and teaching them how best to avoid such evils.
And never think that its only daughters who need protection from "waywardness" this is a common misconception of many parents. You know the whole "only girls can get pregnant" thing which is back ward, foolish and dangerous to say the least and also unIslamic because our Prophet always told us to educate both boys and girls equally. Always teach your children , girls and boys,right from wrong from young days.
If you are a Muslim teach them Islam and make them fear Allah and not mom and dad. That way not just as hormonal teens but even as adults they will always do what is right out of fear of their Lord and to please their Lord and not for the sake of their parents(which is if nothing else shirk).