Don’t provide your daughters with cell phones

Moderators: Please dont delete as it is a very important information.
Cell phone is the best tool of communication; it enables a person to communicate with his near and dear ones in very less time and low cost. But it’s negative and evil aspects will surprise you.
The cell phone is contributing to the rising incidents of love affairs and waywardness of young boys and girls. Not only Muslim girls are having affairs with Muslim boys but they are eloping with non Muslim boys also. Though there are several other reasons for these vices but the most important and secret intermediary is ‘cell phone’. Today 80 percent young boys and girls possess cell phones. Nearly 50 percent young girls use cell phone to talk to their boy friends. It is the best and safe source of contacting boy friends. Today there is no need to write letters nor is a messenger required.
Parents happily gift cell phones to their young daughters as soon as they pass SSC. The cell phone not only makes man’s work easier but it also makes Satan’s mission easier too.
There are many ways to pull the wool over parent's eyes. Girls keep the cell phone underneath there blankets to talk for hours in the night, besides while studying they use earphone to talk on cell phone thus no one knows whether they are talking on phone or reading a book. As per Britain’s National trust survey, a large number of youth make use of text message to send love letters to their lovers; and girls do not stay behind boys in this. Parents are requested not to give cell phone to their girls as it contributes to the evils more that benefiting them.
is that a Christmas joke?
Thanx for the vote of confidence...wholeheartedly appreciated!
Now I have a dilemma, a new Arab lady who is covered has started in our office and is very friendly.. Do I give her my cell number or not?
Damn these Cell phones..:(
What would we do without you, Fatima! Always the voice (text) of reason on these threads!! :)
Aye mate...thanks for the reminder. Will (try to) do! BDW glad to see ya posting again. Don't cop out on us again,k? xox
It sure does..though,as disheartening, as it is, I'd rather have Miss M here steal our thunder than the sort I'm on about =D
Its amazing how if one Muslim does (or says)something idiotic, certain people would immediately conclude all Muslims must feel this way despite so many Muslims condemning this act already. The majority of Muslims on this thread agreed that miraj was clearly misinformed and wrong and yet...sheeesh!
I can't help it if I'm gorgeous Tink.
lol Smoke..:)
I cant believe we are about to get into 2012 and We still has IDIOTS posting topics like this. Why dont you just ship your daughters to the moon then?
PeterGrifin: Your on the post idiocy comments amazes me!
Rizks did your GF say, Fank U Po, can I have Hala Card also?
Yesterday i have gifted my GF an Iphone (chinese make) on her birthday which has 2 sim card function.....:)
She was so happy tat she asked me for Hala recharge cards as well.....:(
I recall when Miss Mimi gave her colleague her cell number. The bloke was so attracted to her he used to send her tsext messages at early hours in the morning?
If I recall correctly, you met your future husband just after the introduction of mobile phones into Qatar :o)
This is funny...predictable, but still funny.
I feel really sorry for some kids.
But as they can chose your friends, but not your family.
Let the boys wear Burkha .:)
Is this now becoming a dating site :o(
O Miss Mimi you are making butterflies in my stomach :)
I just bought a pigeon from the Souq today who will convey my true love for you through the old ways even though you are 550km away :) just incase you did not get my tsext message earlier :)
Very true...and this happens when kids simply do things out of fear of their parents and not knowing and/or understanding the gravity of their actions.
It's all underestimation of youngsters abilities to improvise. Blame it on the gadgets and not parenting.
Ok, Take away the cell phone from the girl, what if a boy who likes her gifts one to her and she's still managing to communicate with the boy and She can hide the phone. Then what?
There's restrictions and then there is controlled freedom so children don't feel suffocated into doing crazy things.
I really hope there is another universe where Muslim females treat their men like this..
No cell phones for Boys and you have to cover up!
Being Fair is something great
cell phone is not the only communication tool..there is internet,laptop, going out with u will stop all this?
it depends how they are using it.
my kids got their own phones when they were still in even before teenage they are grown out of the charm for phones. I have to remind them to charge their phones when they are out playing with friends.
Lol MM. Ms Mimi staring back from the screen is quite distracting.
That's a real pic UK. I've put on a lot of weight since I got pregnant ;P
If you won't let people chat with your daughters, how do you know they won't start chatting with your sons?
So either take away the mobile phones from all your children;
Take the time to supervise your kids when they are using the internet, on the phone etc, and teach them good values.
If you have raised your son or daughter with any common sense at all why would they have given their number to a stranger anyway?
Don't blame the phones, blame the parents.
cellphones are not all good for kids.....
Mimi nice picture.. I always had a soft spot for you. Now you making my heart melt with that picture. Can you PM me your cell phone so I can text you my true feelings and then you can hide it under you pillow at night and text me back when Mr Mimi is fast asleep..:)
Loll ..Miss Mimi...u are bad :P
get me your third cell phone number when you'll have it :D
Agree with OP. Too many distractions for girls. No internet unless under supervision is good idea also.
I have TWO cellphones Captain. I must be carrying out affairs left and right!
Miss mimi ..nice pic... do u have a cell phone?? :P
To the topic:
I believe its not girls or boys you shouldn't provide cell phones to....its your not provide them with cell phones until the are mature enough to know their Do's and Dont's...
It's always happened and it's always been out of control. Regardless if both parents are working or one is home or what have you. Parents today have more ways to track their child and are more aware of what's "going on out there." This makes up for a few hours away at work.
At the end of the day the only answer is EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION!
Actually it went out of control with the new era and the busy life style that both parents are working and started to neglect their kids more often.
The kids eventually will look for the caress outside. from someone else to provide.
Yup Prism, can visualize it happening, and it didn't just start or increase with the cell phones. These things were always there and it's a part of growing just goes out of control, when parents don't want to accept that their children might do something like this, and they turn a blind eye to their children's activities.
not really .. now i'm the family man RAM .. lol
Life changed a lot .. but still catching up with QL though i'm not contributing that much ..
But trust me still the same RAM .. lol
nice to know that u r still here too cuz i lost a lot of my friends on QL
I always remember the song LP used to sing when we were little.....
Don't give your babies the means to send telegrams.
Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
Mamas give your babies the means to send telegrams..
'Cos they'll never stay home and will leave you alone.
And run off with someone they love.
han19...when you say teenage determination, brings back old memories climbing the pipes, jumping the walls, twisted ankles, watchman of the building running to catch .....all that just to get a glimpse of her or to pass that message where to meet next day...:)
Ram.....".............are you the same Ram? Long time.......a big hi to you.
Seriously if a girl or boy are determined to contact one another, they will do it any which they can, whether through email, book messages, SMS, telephone, letters, mutual friends, neighbors children, anyway. Sometimes even relatives will help. What's a cell phone in front of teenage determination?
Educate them instead of not giving them cell phone.
yes it makes the mission easier, but if they want to do it they will.
as long as there is a will there is a way. no matter how easy or hard it is. they will do it.
Miraj, that's the evils of technology, when everyone has it, how do you tell your daughter that she can't have it after a certain age. If you have a son and daughter, are you going to give it to your son and not the daughter....thats gender bias. The first opportunity she gets, she will make sure she has a mobile. Until then, she will have friends helping her out. The more you restrict girls or boys, the more they turn wild, if they dont understand the family and religious values. As long as she is going to school, college, she will be exposed to these technologies and no one can stop them from having or enjoying it. Like britexpat said, it's about trusting the children and giving them the right values, that they don't misuse the privileges given to them.
Adoloscence is a tricky age, where only parents trust, love and faith, can keep their teenage children close to them and in their confidence. Even the best will rebel.
Mirraj, O_O GET A LIFE! answer your question in a simple sentence, electronic gadgets keep changing from time-to-time and generation-to-generation. In this current generation, cell phone which is a common source of communication can be lead to mischief and its consequences can be danger.
han19: but before Cell phones, any pigeon that was found in the act of helping a teen gal text her boy-lover, it was caught and slain and her bones and fathers were fed to the Female blaming Beast!
Miraj, why only girls......why not both girls and boys? And if as parents, one cannot control the children, whether girls or boys, then it's the parents faults, not the children. Are you saying that Muslim girls were not eloping with Muslim or non Muslim boys before cellphones.
Correct education starts from the parents, and imposing restrictions is not the way. If children know and understand family and religious values properly, they wont stray. You take away your daughters mobile, she will use her friend's mobile. Next will we start saying ' take the friends away from girls'
As I said, a pathetic insecure post.
Education and trusting your kids is the best thing you can give them. Then give them what ever you want after that it does not matter.
If you cant trust your kids don't give them any thing! There are a lot of of devices and tools out there where you can monitor your kids what they are up to. So its up to you to trust them or not!
Jothish u pervert !
We're all getting a bit carried away. The simple fact is that parents need to be vigilant and educate their offspring, especially very young ones - both male and female.
Cell phone number of your daughter, Please.
in thouse days even Flintstone communicated with his GF's without using a cell phone ? :(
And now Sal, wants to spy on his/her kids! blimming crazy!
i agree with some here, why only Girls and why not Boys ?
and why only Muslims and why not other Religions ?
As briefed above, avoiding cell phone is part of the educating process. Surely TV as you have suggested, is one of them and a BIG ONE though.
or "Dont provide your daughers with cell phones....instead tell them to use home telephone coz incoming and outgoing is free from landline to landline "....:(
provide them with phones and provide them with the right education!
In today's world a mobile phone rather than being a tool of the Satan can be a big blessing. Parents(and I mean all parents not just Muslims) are able to keep tabs on their kids and ensure they are safe, better than before. Besides as a teenager who was not Islamic(May Allah forgive me) I myself never had a cell phone till I started working and still did whatever I wanted. why? because I lacked knowledge and wisdom. And not just myself I know of many boys and girls who let alone not having mobiles they didn't even have any access to any phones and yet they got into drugs, numerous affairs,drunk driving, prostitution, and what not. Why? Because they wanted to..and their parents concentrated so much on physically restraining them rather than educating them as to the dangers of the world and teaching them how best to avoid such evils.
And never think that its only daughters who need protection from "waywardness" this is a common misconception of many parents. You know the whole "only girls can get pregnant" thing which is back ward, foolish and dangerous to say the least and also unIslamic because our Prophet always told us to educate both boys and girls equally. Always teach your children , girls and boys,right from wrong from young days.
If you are a Muslim teach them Islam and make them fear Allah and not mom and dad. That way not just as hormonal teens but even as adults they will always do what is right out of fear of their Lord and to please their Lord and not for the sake of their parents(which is if nothing else shirk).
Dont provide your daughers with cell phones....instead give them Iphone, or Ipad.......:(
Take the phone away from your sons! They are the ones chasing after the girls. Why do you pick on only girls? The parent must take control of the situation. Unfortunately these kids are being raised by nannies, being babysat by computers, and given cell phones at age 7. Where is the parental responsibility?
What are you going to do when your daughter goes to college? How are you going to control her?
Mods, please delete the orignal post as it spreads ignorance and intolerance.
Very good Idea and suggestion.
Thanks Zmanz. Spreading awareness is a noble duty by which someone can be saved by its further consequences. I hope the forum continues to be superhit.
If the phone companies could come up with some sort of a package whereby parents via software in their own phone and in the kids phone exercise parental control and supervision rights over their kids' calls, it would sell like hot cake in the Middle East and parts of Asia. This is free advice to telecom companies ....
CEll is Cause of many ".....tions" unaccountable.
Grr..britey you one legged babboon, and i was all standing in the car park in this cold wearing only a white cotton embroided lungi with Khaki shirt ! :(
Walks in, 0_o! WTF! >>Walks out....
This must be the most backward on Ql Today
Prism - School? SCHOOL? For girls? don't be foolish, they don't need to go to school, anymore than they need cellphones.
miraaj so u agree tat cell phone is not ONLY the means of communication ?
LOLz... Miraaj this post has gone hit!!
the Post heading is cathing 'em.
Funny funny post - quite pathetic in its way.
You technology toucan. She did get the email, but was with me when she recieved it.
Sell phones can be dangerous in the wrong hands. :o(
that is a question not an idea...
Rizks..this is because your girlfriend listened me and she is not using the cell phone. Alhumdulillah awareness is spreading.
No co-ed, girls only bus to school with dark glasses, a aerobridge kinda passge to get in and out of the bus, same facility at home if possible... pl. add more, I have run out of ideas.
Though its not possible to keep the children away from day to technology but it can be monitored to avoid mis-use and here comes again the reponsiblity of parents.
SR- definitely this is not applicable and acceptable for those parents who them selve make an example for theire children.
Dooms Dog its not the bashing post or any crap its just an article regarding the mis use of Mobile if you cannot bear the words its your fault.
these days the internet speed is too low, i had sent a mail to my gf to meet me at Ramada car park and i waited there but she did not come...instead she came the next day and waited for me.....:(
all coz my mail reached her the next day....:(
miraaj no matter if its God made, Man made or Home made...the ultimate aim is communiccation if not cell then we have other means of communication too...
are u still in STONE AGE TIMES ?
Raising your kids with better values & having a good "communication" with them will avoid this problem but blaming technology for irresponsibility is quite laughable...
Yes! Take away their cell phones, their internet, keep them locked in the house and never let them out! But only the girls.
Educating the children is the foremost right of the parent. Not proving them to use Cell phone is part of the educating process. Similarly internet is also one of them.
The Question is about the Utilisation of Technology.
Every invention has its drawbacks if not properly used.
Hence, Cellphones have drastically bad effects if misused.
Pigeon's cant be kept under the blanket and talked through all night and they avoid flying in the night without headlights...:) another logic
another bashing post.. here we go
LOLz Rizks!
SR-absolutely its parents repsonsiblity to keep track.
Rizks...Pigeons are God made. Cell phones are Man made. So we have control over cell phones, not over pigeons. I hope you got it.
Take away the cellphones, they'll use the internet, take away the internet, they'll use snail mail, take away snail mail they'll use smoke signals.
You can't stop them, so the best thing to do is educate them.
if they dont give cell phones to their daughers, the daughers will start using Piegons for the means of communication ?
Now will u stop all the piegons flying around ? :(
Thanks. I appreiciate your knowledge as well.
Take it away from can the girls then contact them...:)logic
Technology has its effects!
Good or Bad its individual's choice to opt for.
Why? Why focus on the girls?
logical solution..lets start with girls.
Miraaj very nice Translation from MUNSIf.
Appreciate for your effort to spread this message.
Why only girls? Why not not give them to boys as well? Surely it takes two to tango.