nbg - shame I could not get on line to comment after your latest rant.
Your initial comment was specifically designed to be unplesant - why bring it up on what was meant to be a very non controversial topic.
In point of fact I have worked in a very muslim dominated office in the past here and there does not seem to be a trend of decorations - except the sending of cards and e-cards.
As to going into someone's home - I believe in being asked before turning up at someone's house, as I worked with a very conservative group of people, they did not like to invite a non muslim to their house, so sorry I cannot comment on this.
But you must address the chip on your shoulder, as it shines through.
nbg - shame I could not get on line to comment after your latest rant.
Your initial comment was specifically designed to be unplesant - why bring it up on what was meant to be a very non controversial topic.
In point of fact I have worked in a very muslim dominated office in the past here and there does not seem to be a trend of decorations - except the sending of cards and e-cards.
As to going into someone's home - I believe in being asked before turning up at someone's house, as I worked with a very conservative group of people, they did not like to invite a non muslim to their house, so sorry I cannot comment on this.
But you must address the chip on your shoulder, as it shines through.