tinkerbell10...you got personal rather than just stating your opinion when you said "This is what happens when you read too much"...you got a problem with what others read and how much they read....hope you can differentiate between posting about a topic and posting about an individual.... and just because you have some setbacks and things uttered in your favor by the palm readers or what ever didnt work out (though I also sympathise with you and can understand your aversion) does that mean the whole world has to immediately stop talking about it or having interest in it...and I dont buy this arguement that I have to see whom the comment is targetted at...someone has a problem with other take it out somewhere else or in another form ... if I am in a discussion being ridiculed I automatically become a part of ridicule and so be ready to bear the heat.
And last...cut me the crap of hijacking....which thread goes unhijacked here....end of day dont like it move on to another thread seems to be the best policy.
Cheers!!! Have a great day ahead...:) (Dont get worked up for nothing, it happens, but is harmless)
tinkerbell10...you got personal rather than just stating your opinion when you said "This is what happens when you read too much"...you got a problem with what others read and how much they read....hope you can differentiate between posting about a topic and posting about an individual.... and just because you have some setbacks and things uttered in your favor by the palm readers or what ever didnt work out (though I also sympathise with you and can understand your aversion) does that mean the whole world has to immediately stop talking about it or having interest in it...and I dont buy this arguement that I have to see whom the comment is targetted at...someone has a problem with other take it out somewhere else or in another form ... if I am in a discussion being ridiculed I automatically become a part of ridicule and so be ready to bear the heat.
And last...cut me the crap of hijacking....which thread goes unhijacked here....end of day dont like it move on to another thread seems to be the best policy.
Cheers!!! Have a great day ahead...:) (Dont get worked up for nothing, it happens, but is harmless)