palm reading

I was browsing a book when i came across with the medical term for the creases in the palm, their layman's term likewise.This made me curious and i glanced in my palm.There are the lines for longetivity of life, ambition and love life.I got 4 short lines for my love life, which means i will have 4 special persons .I have met the 3 and only 1 person left. It so sad that the line I only have is short too and never crossed my palm . i concluded that i won't get married . I have checked others palms. I had encountered same as mine and most of the married couples have their love line across their palms.
It makes me sad but if its my destiny so let it be.
Does anyone know if we could have a Karoake session soon somewhere in Doha?
PS,Its ok, take your time, when you are through, tell me.
DK - Havent read the book you have shared yet.:( been so busy.
u r right s_isale !
Poor parrot does wat he is trained for to get a piece of bread/grain....:(
UK, why not propose to OP?
its not the parrot that is dumb, dumb is the one who goes to see the parrot pick his future.
idk UK, Whether it tells the past, future or present.
Rizks you mean Poppat?
and wat about tat dumb parrot who picks the chit and tell us about our fortune ? :(
s_isale what about the lines on the forehead.. Do those tell us about the past?
if the lines on your palm determine your future, did you reach where you were supposed to reach?
Rizks.. I am afraid I am no longer sporting the Bald head look and have recently cultivated my head with Hair..:)
I can offer you Flanostu or Dracula bald heads for reading!
Uk i am good in bald head reading, when will u bring ur slippery head to me ? :)
Rizks I thinks she is talking about you and calling you a Grandpa! hehe
lol UkEng !
Now I am confused, is the ire due to some misfired desire!!!
Ok Kiddo as you are so fond of Grandpa now a days. Why don't you come and sit on Grandpa's lap and he will give you a sweetie..:)
Wow now with all this knowledge a karaoke would really seem fun :)
If you look at it from quantum physics point of view, the particle nature of electromagnetic waves can be used to explain things a bit.
Its known that the sun emits neutrinos which is one of the sub-atomic particles (quarks) and can penetrate nearly all solids. Now, as soon as the child is born, he probably gets exposed to a much higher or more intensive radiation of neutrinos and some other quarks from the sun and other cosmic bodies.
But, this all looks so nebulous to me so cannot say how the neutrinos emitted from different heavenly bodies and striking the person at different intensities and angles could have an effect on the person's nature and future.
People who believe this should come up with an explanation.
Ok grandpa.:)
Ok Kiddo :) This is QL open forum everyone is entitled to their opinion so it's is every one business.
UK - Mind your own rather than feel sorry for other people.:)
NM is they include me? just want to be clear? :)
PS, they are not ready, plain and simple. Don't worry about it.
PS I only feel sorry for you! two words GROW UP.
Prism - Forget the palm reading and Chill.Send me ur email ad thru PM so I can share with you the ebooks.:D
UkengQatar - Out of your business.
Prism I said the idea of the subconscious mind related to this thread was a load of C rap. It seems that a particular QLer in every thread is referring to this term.
Just to clarify that I have no problem with the topic of this thread at all.
Never believe in it. Billions of people have their own destiny set by Almighty just a few lines cannot be interpreted as a common. Its allassumptions. got personal rather than just stating your opinion when you said "This is what happens when you read too much" got a problem with what others read and how much they read....hope you can differentiate between posting about a topic and posting about an individual.... and just because you have some setbacks and things uttered in your favor by the palm readers or what ever didnt work out (though I also sympathise with you and can understand your aversion) does that mean the whole world has to immediately stop talking about it or having interest in it...and I dont buy this arguement that I have to see whom the comment is targetted at...someone has a problem with other take it out somewhere else or in another form ... if I am in a discussion being ridiculed I automatically become a part of ridicule and so be ready to bear the heat.
And last...cut me the crap of hijacking....which thread goes unhijacked here....end of day dont like it move on to another thread seems to be the best policy.
Cheers!!! Have a great day ahead...:) (Dont get worked up for nothing, it happens, but is harmless)
Ooops !
UKEngQatar...Sorry, but can I know your authority and basis of your arrogance to call a discussion load of crap. BTW what are you reading these days, can I know.
@tinkerbell10...there is nothing getting mixed here...we are not naive here or just came out of mothers womb and dont know what we are talking...when you say the original thread is load of crap (though I need the basis of your authority and arrogance too to say so) you are yourself admitting there is nothing much to discuss, so if after closing that chapter a few moved on to discuss something else of their interest and relevant how does it hurt you. The discussion isnt about sex or porn on a palmistry thread. And instead of having read all this load of crap weren't you better off reading something that interests you and leave us idiots/ dunce fellas to discuss whatever we want to.
Something called "get a life, will ya"...for the two of you...
What a load of crap Status of the subconscious mind my A $$. Which college did you attend to know all of this PS?
How could this person be in a wrong company without accepting in his mind the idea? Yes,People might have think that he will excel in studies..Okay,they can also affect if only,the person is in the same state of thinking. Let's say he's in the same frequency BEFORE,but when the idea of being in a bad company came to his mind,of course his thoughts shifted. We can never say he's in the wrong company without his permission.It's not really the palm reader but the person hmself who have thought about negative things. It just happened that it's the same as the palm reader's prediction.Yes,others' thoughts could affect events and conditions,but the person's mind has more power to affect his own fate. Leave the palm reader. I'd be happy to send you the ebooks when i go home.
PrincessSarah....I was in midst of writing that long one while you posted...:) Anyways, I dont believe in anything neither the lines on my palm, forehead, feet etc etc or the directed thoughts, though I tend to believe on manoeuvrings of the sub conscious mind of self but still struggling to conclude and close it to my satisfaction... because when I feel I am almost ready to close it, something props up and shakes it ... so I can only say I am still a traveler in this journey looking for my destination where I can disembark....:)
And I would be happy to know what you have been reading... do send it on my email.
PrincessSarah... let me first clear your illusion or manifestation of thought (in context) that I havent read any of those that you mentioned and am ignorant of what I am discussing or attempting do you know what I have read, for how long I have read and at what stage of reading and understanding I am at present. So if we are clear on it, your "Ï know it all" attitude is rather let us not get into that. What I believe or not believe is also not in contention, as so far I think I have not brought that in.Now back to your first sentence...why I am certain that the thought came just is the full story..the mother with the kid was standing outside the house alongwith this friend (who comes back after a long gap) talking to her as a person passed by (we call them baba in India, these are the people who claim to have renounced the world and its materialistic attractions and who claim to have foresight to see the future)...he looked at the child and said that he would like to look at is hand and after a while said what will happen to him when he would be 20 years of was so unbelievable that the two laughed at it because such incidents are quite common in small towns and people feel that by saying so these baba's actually try to get some money for performing certain activities to avoid such incidences in future for the well being of the supposedly affected person. So as any other such utterances by such people who claim to tell you about your future it was also rubbished... in the context it was not given cognizance of and hence didnt register or did not manifest itself.You also said "Thoughts even not from the person involved can influence events"....take the case of a kid doing great when he is young and not only the parents but people around are also convinced that he would excel in studies and would be a very successful person in life and wish that he be so....rather a case of deeper manifestation of positive thoughts even if not of the kid he grows nothing as regards the immediate environment changed, the parents and people around continued to believe what they thought of him as a kid...but as he grew, fell into wrong company and grew into a completely failed person which no one could believe. What went wrong here. And btw there were no external thoughts ever (atleast not known) that this kid can ever grow into a failed person.And I would not comment on "You may wonder why someone's thoughts can affect others, it's all about being on the same frequency. You can never affect or influence someone unless he/she is in the same state of thinking". I expect you to see the contradiction yourself in what you have said prior to this statement and this statement which though is suggestive of what I have intended to state here.
Prism - Do u really trust the field of medicine when in fact there are some instances that they cant even explain? Let me ask you a proof,a documented proof that palm reading is really working without considering the effect of thoughts. Even the Doctors in what u call hospital,cured people bec. these people believe that doctors know the remedy or the cure,it involves thoughts,thoughts,thoughts.Bet,if you're a human being,you're not going to a vet to be cured,you're going to the hospital with the belief that it will cure you.
Lemme know if you're interested with the books im willing to share or are you going to close your mind and believe the lines in your palm.
Prism - How certain you are that the thoughts just came once? Are u able to read what's on people's minds? Thoughts even not from the person involved can influence events. You better read about quantum physics,mental chemistry and the related books to understand.You truly believe in plam reading or about predictions on what's going to happen in someone's life (well,I cant blame u) but let me tell u this: Our subconscious minds can affect the organs in our bodies. There's an old man who came to a palm reader and the latter told him that he will die in a month,he then started telling friends about it,made his last will and testament and became very depressed and get sick. Do u really think that he'll be sick if only he didnt accept what the palm reader said? NO. His thoughts became so negative,made him depressed,lose appetite for anything,got sick and died.
About my statement: What i mean is - You are talking about it happened after 18 years.blah blah blah.Im trying to let u understand that time is not we're talking about,even if it happened after 18 years,it happened and it's because someone have thought about it and truly believed in it. It dpends on the frequency,the more you think about it,the faster it will be manifested.If your thoughts are not so frequent then it will take time and that's d reason why it happened after 18 long years.
Our subconscious mind controls the vital processes in our body. You can interefere with the normal rhythm of your heart,lungs,and other organs by worry,and fears.Whatever we impress on our subconscious minds whether it's for us or for others is expressed on the screen of space as conditions,experiences and events.
You may wonder why someone's thoughts can affect others,it's all about being on the same frequency. You can never affect or influence someone unless he/she is in the same state of thinking. The law of action and reaction is universal. If you wanna know more,send me a private message and i will give you loads of books that will let u understand and these books existed through out the history and it contains information that only few knows and understand., it is not possible. Älso "ÿou are what you think" is not a correct statement in the given scenario when the thought of something came just once and more importantly not to the person to whom what happened, happened and also did not live with the persons who remained in vicinity of the said person so that the person can get influenced by "directed thought's" as you mentioned earlier. And suffice to say for now that time has a big role to play. I am looking for something convincing, so far nowhere near that and one liners are sure not doing any good.
PrincessSarah...your two statements are in say time doesn't matter i.e. it isn't a constraint and then also say its about the frequency of thoughts...say if time stays put then frequency of thoughts becomes irrelevant and vice versa. As for the reference to hypnotism leading to autosuggestion to patients mind, if you believe in it care to explain why isn't it practiced widely...hypnotise someone and poof you are healed of cancer, NO. As for the story of wooden cross, in the absence of details about the complications, medications etc I would refrain to comment on that now. When you refer to dances/ chants which lead to manifestation of beliefs I am willing to accept it as it is an activity carried out over a period of time and supports my understanding that "time is a factor" and is an activity carried out with the knowledge of the person or by the person himself for manifestation of beliefs about himself.. and so again back to a convincing answer to my example, how?
don't wanna sound to be master or something like arrogant but i have a clear idea about palm reading n that its just a bullshit
just live ur life don't destroy ur happiness
Quotes And Status
Prism - Time doesnt matter. It's all about the frequency of thoughts. Even in hypnotism which involves autosuggestion to the subconscious mind which was very common in healings throughout the history in the past, this involves autosuggestion to the patient's mind before the drowsing state. The healer will suggest the total healing of the patient and poof,the patient was healed.There was a true story long time ago of an australian man who have complications in his heart. His son,having the knowledge of this law,picked up a wood from the street,took it to the carpenter and made it a cross. When he went home he told his dad that this cross have healed many people. His father then took the cross and sleep with it over night having the faith that he will be healed and guess what? he was healed. So do u think it's really the cross made from a wood in the streets that had healed him? NO,it's his faith.It's his thoughts. That's d reason why many forms of healing whether in Christianity,Buddhism,or whatever, have what they called miracles. But come to think of it,is it really the fruits,the chants,dances,or whatever rituals people do that have manifested what they want? It's from their inner selves,not the fruits,not the chants but the belief.
And to talk about astrology,I agree with DK. How can u testify that the two babies born at the same time will have the same fate? We create ourselves and we do it through our thoughts whether it's positive or negative.
It is possible. "you are what you think" is a correct statement, although is this case it was other people who had the thought, time is never a restraint.
nomerci...can a passing thought that happened 18 years back be considered as directed thought(s) more so when none whosoever stayed connected with this child remembered it until reminded at a time much later than that incident actually happenend.
Further, since the case I stated refers to a child who was of 2 years when something about him was spoken and which later on was also never told to him, how does the saying "you are what you think" fit in this equation... because obviously the child wasn't thinking about it as was (and is) oblivious to it.
Palmistry, Astrology, Horoscope,Numerology...all loads of crap-ology. Browse some other books.
Prism, there have been scientific experiments thet prove that intention (as in directed thoughts) can reverse what has happened...that only proves that thoughts are a very powerful tool.
So, in conclusion it is very possible that things happened because of thoughts...albeit in the future.
There is a lot more to all this of course, but it would be too long to explain it all here.
the saying "you are what you think" is very adequate.
Elegence, Firstly, the thread is about Palmistry and not astrology. Again, in astrology, the time, place and date of birth is used to determine the position of the planets at the time of birth which are said to indicate the events in life of the person.
Now, imagine a city (indicated by a particular geographical latitude and longitude)having 10 hospitals with a maternity section each. Now, two or more babies could be born at almost the same time if we take all delivery cases in all hospitals on a particular day. As per astrology, these babies should have almost the same future and would undergo similar events in life. Do you think, this is possible? One may belong to very rich parents and one from poor parents.
Planets were supposed to have an effect on persons. Science cannot prove as to what exactly are the effects of different planets on individuals. Thats because they are composed of similar kinds of matter and thus reflect almost the same wavelengths of electromagnetic waves.
Hi everyone..The friends matter I talked about...Both the friends do not know about it to this day..And I have lost touch with both of them..But when I heard about them after years, I remembered what that lady had said...
I wish it never came true..
Because we doubt all this,my hubby and I tested a predictor guy giving him an Arabic ladies(My hubby's colleague..Our family friend) time of birth and where she was born...We were shocked, when he said everything what we also knew about her....and a bit of her future too...which we have not disclosed to her...It does not really matter...But we cannot deny what the guy said...
nomerci...nah, not that simple....18 years is a long time...everyone forgot about it as in the first place it was taken as a passing thought as it was not related to life and death (which I guess, generally people who follow such things tend to remember much longer)... and they didnt realise it immediately also but only later when they met the person who was also present when all this was said on a family function that this is what someone so many years back said. And best part is there was no contact with this person for almost 16 years.
Now dont tell me anyone anywhere if thinks something about me I get the fruits or brickbats of it...because if that be I would be running with lot of girls as friends as back home all my friends think (and at times with envy) that I must be having numerous girls as friends here which is not true as far as 'numerous' is concerned at a particular moment, at the same time.
prism, easily done. even though the kid did not know it, other people knew it, thought about it and had emotions about it...ergo, it happens. As simple as that.
Princess Sarah, I hope you do not mind that I answered.
PrincessSarah...something told to the parents of a 2 years old kid that a particular incident would happen when he would be 20 yrs old, which never was disclosed to the kid or the kid was never aware of it but it still came true after 18 years. Now how would you justify it within the realm of quantum physics or autosuggestion to the subconcious mind.
Many people who claimed as healers,palm readers,or whatever they call themselves who seem to have the power that not everyone has,had taken advantage the chemistry of our minds. You may wonder what im talking about but it has in connection to Quantum Physics,and other studies about the way our mind works and its laws.
Elegance - what your friend's mom told your classmates came true because those classmates of yours believe it to be true. Many records in history especially in healing states that things happen thru Autosuggestion to the subconscious mind only if you will accept and believe that it's true and this law doesnt apply only to healings but to every area of our lives and it is under our control.
It is definitely not good to believe all this...It does not come from good spirits usually...
But I had to believe certain things a friend's mom said about 20 years back...What she hinted came true for both my classmates.
You are forced to believe though you dont want to....sometimes...
in some where i read incomplete knowledge causes mostly negative result. in palmistry it says line is nothing other than map of your subconscious mind.which could be change any time with positive attitude & thinking toward our own to believe in your way is incomplete is some thing variable which could be changed by man any time as he desires. also his destiny could be change but with patient.
Personally I find it all unbelievable and it is also a practice considered haraam in our religion but I know people who swear by it. In fact an aunt of mine claims to posses the ability to do so accurately. Whatever...all I know is it just sounds way to unrealistic as proven by DK and Prism(Yikes!).
Guess the size of the hand of this guy...:)
agree with princess sarah,no one knows the future except ALLAH
One's destiny is already written and concluded by the creator so nothiung to worry or to re-do in future. Be bold to face what ever comes across 'cause, we are
( human beings ) the most blessed on earth. Do not get confused on these unreliable things. At this science advanced days too, few people have made it as their main business.
Oh cheer up and get over it! I agree with Princess Sarah, the more you think about it, the probability of it becoming a reality will be higher....And if ever you really don't get hitched,why be sad just think positive that you saved yourself the trouble...By the way, does our palm read that you're not going to have kids as well? That will be the saddest part....Just kidding:) Don't take palm reading seriously my dear. Maybe Mr. Right is just around the corner;-)
Whatever you think will be granted.. The more you believe your conclusions, the more it will happen bec.u'r conditioning yourself to it.
Whatever you think will be granted.. The more you believe your conclusions, the more it will happen bec.u'r conditioning yourself to it.
Many tribal leaders in Africa still live with 10 wives..does it mean all those tribals have 10 lines in place of their marriage line?
What a load of bollocks..
drink and read your palm again believe me your lines will change
don't conclude that you will not get married just by glancing at your palm. palm reading, most of the times are just for entertainment only. we, ourselves creates our own destiny. so don't lose hope. c",)