Hi Edifis,
thanks for your great feedback. It was shot over the last 6 weeks, starting end of September. Fortunately one cannot see the sweat at the Katara scene, but believe me it was unbelievable hot and humid.. Yes, besides that the temperature was a lot better for the other shooting days. The Inland Sea sequence was so windy at the end, that the equipment got full of sand and we had to stop shooting. Watch out for the Making Of to be released soon. Greets Alex
Hi Edifis,
thanks for your great feedback. It was shot over the last 6 weeks, starting end of September. Fortunately one cannot see the sweat at the Katara scene, but believe me it was unbelievable hot and humid.. Yes, besides that the temperature was a lot better for the other shooting days. The Inland Sea sequence was so windy at the end, that the equipment got full of sand and we had to stop shooting. Watch out for the Making Of to be released soon. Greets Alex