Needless to say a Qatar spokesman, who knows more about architecture and climate control than the people the Qataris hired to build the stadium, has dismissed this:
So will that include Qatari women, who are currently banned from entering bars?
If I were a Qatari who values the conservative culture of this country, and I was FULLY aware of what winning a world cup means (drunk people EVERYWHERE, semi-naked Brazilians running around in bikinis, all night parties...) I would be furious that such an alcohol filled sports event (read: month long drinking and screwing fest) is coming to my country.
I'm confused about the whole weather issue.
To this day we have the stadium developers saying that Air Con is a bad idea and not "clever":
Needless to say a Qatar spokesman, who knows more about architecture and climate control than the people the Qataris hired to build the stadium, has dismissed this:
And again today we have Qatar saying that they aren't ruling out a winter schedule:
On what basis did FIFA view the Qatar bid book if issues such as these remain unresolved?
Much less the issue of Alcohol. As the Qatar 2022 team have said:
"Any fan who wants to enjoy the World Cup with a drink will be able to find a drink."
So will that include Qatari women, who are currently banned from entering bars?
If I were a Qatari who values the conservative culture of this country, and I was FULLY aware of what winning a world cup means (drunk people EVERYWHERE, semi-naked Brazilians running around in bikinis, all night parties...) I would be furious that such an alcohol filled sports event (read: month long drinking and screwing fest) is coming to my country.