Mismanagement( Brazil v/s Egypt match)

As a lot of Doha people went to see yesterday's match in Rayan Sports club, besides that match was really good and provided a lot of fun for football fans but to some extent it disoppointed as well. It was an ideal show of mismanagement. First the official attendance for the match was 25000 people as anounced, out of which atleast 6000 were girls and women but their was not a single toilet for women. they were asked to go to men's toilet( which is by any means not acceptable in a civilised society). people were asked to come early as gates opened at 5pm and match had to start at 8pm. if one already entered in stadium, he/she was barred to go outside untill match finish otherwise he/she will loose his ticket. it was poor management( considering women and children inside who donot even have toilet facilities inside), it was complete mismanagement. last but not the least parking, it was poorly managed and people parked wherever they liked, blocked the way for the early comers that if they wanted to go early , they couldn't because someone parked carelessly in front of him and he had no way back. And it was a horrible experience to reach home after match finish. I hope, Qatar authorities will take notice of some of the things mentioned here as they have to prepare for the big events in future as Arab games in December. what is Ur say about it?
Qatar needs a lot of improvement....
i hope u have learn ur lesson
That is a big issue if Qatar wants to host a good WC! 450,000 fans are expected to fly in not 25,000 something has to be done quickly
So if I went to Spain to watch a football match and I have a ticket for a specific seat, I should expect someone else to be sitting there and end up getting into a fist fight over that seat???
Why are they using allocated seating in a country where people are too stupid to sit in the right seats? Just make it general admission and be done with it.
Even when you fly on Qatar Airways you see morons who just sit wherever they please because the whole idea of working which row and which seat is just too difficult for them.
Minoush this is a common occurance at major football events, that haven't learnt a thing since the Asian Games in 2006....WC2022 has chaos written all over it
No one mentioned the chaos just to get your seat. My husband was there and saw fights all around him from people sitting in seats that didn't belong to them. When the real ticket holder showed up, the ticketholder was told to find another seat!
It doesn't matter if Qatar is a developing country or not, you sit where you ticket tells you to sit. You don't just randomly sit where you want. (unless its general admission of course.)
Fubar, maybe those people will be advised to take a break in Saudi during that time..I'm pretty sure Saudi will be fairly empty at that time too...;)
I have just come to the conclusion that the Royals backing the World Cup so strongly is a roundabout way of dragging the conservative Islamic type Qataris into a new world.
This is a country where some locals complained that the Tribeca Film Festival is too progressive and inappropriate and against their cultural values. If showing a few movies for a couple of days got these people upset, they have no idea what they are in for when 2022 ticks around.
It makes you scratch your head and wonder if the values of the ordinary, traditional Qataris are really shared with the rich, worldly, well traveled elite who want to open bars, show more dirty movies, and sell alcohol and pork, encourage women to work, have fewer kids, speak more English etc.
There is no way to reconcile those two totally opposing directions for this country.
@fubar.... clap clap!! (honest one)...u made a lotta sense there! i guess probably u appreciate the country for its charachter...and from the tone of it u do sound like a logical person who does.... unlike others....
Khanan...this is not the first time but the last time till date that things couldn't be managed properly...memories are young about how ticket holders were denied entry and even beaten up because the stadium was full with the truck loads of laborers in the football game prior to this one, and the refunds that followed. Same happens with tennis tournaments everytime it is held. Musical events just steal the show when it comes to mismanagement....how many times have we heard people came back satisfied after paying huge amounts for tickets.
For parking chaos.... fans would park properly if it is managed properly.
After every event it is heard 'we have learnt our lessons and you will see the improvement next time'.... but 'next time' seems to have become something which refuses to go away.
For sure Redtreble.
To be brutally honest, I am actually really looking forward to a world cup in Qatar.
Drunk English hooligans on the corniche drinking beer by the road.
Slutty south American girls hitting on Qatari men in the malls.
FIFA telling the shops in Villagio that owing to their proximity to a FIFA venue they will need FIFA permission to sell products that might conflict with sponsorship arrangements.
Bar fights in the hotels after the matches.
Cyber criminals selling fake tickets, hotel bookings and airline tickets to naive and ignorant locals who are overly trusting.
I am just imagining what will happen when the first hotel bar runs out of beer...
It's gonna be one memorable world cup.
so they have a long way to go till 2022
I cant see the various professional leagues take this lying down, the WC goes for 4-5 weeks, 3-4 weeks prior tteams will need to assemble so thats 2 months break for the leagues....can't see it happen myself, but then again with FIFA who the heck knows!!!
Fubar, I actually think the off-field going's on will be far more entertaining than anything that goes on on the pitch! :D
But you're right, it is ludicrous. How can FIFA and Qatar be discussing the possibility of a Winter World Cup AFTER the WC has been awarded? That should have been addressed in the bidding process and before the award of the tournament. Far be it from me to say that it would have been the deathknell for Qatar's Bid and that for some reason, that was not the outcome FIFA we're looking for...
I'm confused about the whole weather issue.
To this day we have the stadium developers saying that Air Con is a bad idea and not "clever":
Needless to say a Qatar spokesman, who knows more about architecture and climate control than the people the Qataris hired to build the stadium, has dismissed this:
And again today we have Qatar saying that they aren't ruling out a winter schedule:
On what basis did FIFA view the Qatar bid book if issues such as these remain unresolved?
Much less the issue of Alcohol. As the Qatar 2022 team have said:
"Any fan who wants to enjoy the World Cup with a drink will be able to find a drink."
So will that include Qatari women, who are currently banned from entering bars?
If I were a Qatari who values the conservative culture of this country, and I was FULLY aware of what winning a world cup means (drunk people EVERYWHERE, semi-naked Brazilians running around in bikinis, all night parties...) I would be furious that such an alcohol filled sports event (read: month long drinking and screwing fest) is coming to my country.
@Khanan - serioulsy if they can't handle 1 football match what chance do they have of managing 60 odd games...expect amazing, how about expect chaos!!
Having worked in Qatar for sometime, where you can actually have a drink in any hotel & the hotels are mostly 4 or 5 stars, I believe the WC would be a good idea. The only problem is the heat and huge influx of footie fans in proportion to the small/moderate police force in this country.
The Airport will need expanding again and maybe another built.
Qatar is not perfect Free State, but it's slowly step by step moving in the right direction. I think it's unfair to criticize Qatar for its faults and ignore all the positives steps it has made. By 2022 they will move forward even more, and with their resources they can host a wonderful world cup. FIFA might be corrupted, but this was a right choice. The eastern and western cultures have to meet somehow. Only then will peace be reached. There's no peace without understanding each other. Soccer is a wonderful vector for mix of cultures, and Qatar is the most able country for hosting such an event. Qatar's bid seemed like a perfect choice of host country to me. While I would have loved to have it in Sydney, I think keeping the world cup among western nations would not have done much for world progress. Yeah the choice was political, but why not uses a peaceful tournament to help with politics.
DC – Plenty of places to drink alcohol?! There aren’t even enough places to service the current ex-pat community! And even then, football fans will not take kindly to paying hotel prices for their drinks.
You really don’t have a clue do you?
Thank you Khanan! lol
in a single game cannot reflect what is in store for WC 2022.
it is totally unlogical to compare the mangement(mis) of this match to hosting WC 2022.
-There were female toilets as mentioned by other commentator here.
-Parking choas was created by the fans and not by the mangement.
-Expect a bit of traffic snurls and choas as 25,000 people exiting at same time.
-The match was part of Charity event to raise money for children in Somalia
Yes. the bar of expectations has been raised. They must do an excellent job hosting or the heat will really be on.
When i went to watch the world cup qualifiers match, the weather was so freaking hot outside, but when I got to the stadium it wasn't like that at all! The stadium had an air conditioner, fans and players weren't affected by the heat..
qatar will be spending millions of pounds on stadiums to host the world cup in 2022, i have been involved in a mock up trial stadium provided by an Aussie company and we succesfully controlled the temperature and humidity to levels suitable for any players from anywhere in the world. why rule the country out as it has the best weather. they qatari people are very polite and there are plenty places where alcohol can be drunk.
it's time people paid the money to go and actually check out the country, it is a beautiful place and rocks! WOOT WOOT!
i dont think doha chap gets it...its culture and the conservative setup......and not abt the place, how safe or how hot......its simply the people.... have u by any chance seen the last copa america? if u havent check out the pix on reuters... all i can say is a lot of skin and alot of liquids.. so now can u accomodate this with tht ..umm NOOO.....its not like a million plus tourists and people would have a crash course on what to do and not to do..... looks like u realy dont have an idea abt what u talking abt..so spare the naive outlook....
DC – I’m not sure where you get all this ‘sour grapes’ stuff from. I couldn’t care less that England didn’t get the World Cup personally, it’s a matter of supreme indifference to me. I just happen to think Qatar was a terrible choice for a World Cup and that it will be a complete disaster. I just think the heat, alcohol, the non-availability of alcohol, a conservative Islamic Culture and rowdy football fans is a recipe for a nightmare of epic proportions.
But I also hope that I get proved wrong.
Doha Chap - No it wasn't. The cultures of Qatar and South Africa (a country that likes to party) are worlds' apart.
The major concern with South Africa was the potential for crime against the fans.
As Raven says, I don't think Qatar has a clue what it has let itself in for. They better hope you're right about your prediction for England not to qualify...
Seriously now! Just because England or the USA did not win the bid doesn’t mean you should hate Qatar for winning the 2022 WB bind! Loool JEEEZ!
I actually wanted Australia to win the bid, but I'm fine with Qatar winning, not like most spoiled sour grapes on her that want everything.^_^
The country is rich and could grow more than expected in 2022. It's a small nation but I think that makes it better for traveling. It gets to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, but I went through this heat wave in VA were someday could get to the 105's, it's not so bad, I even played soccer in that heat. The stadiums in Qatar will be cooled so the players don't feel much heat. First WC in the Middle East (so what if they are Arabic, racism divides this world too much). Some people say it will be too dangerous, have you gone to the Favelas in Rio de Janeiro? It’s one of the most dangerous places to be at, but many people (me included) would love to visit the city, Colombia is hosting a U20 WC right now that is about to break the record of most tickets sold in a U20 WC. Beautiful architecture in the stadiums, does anyone remember watching the video of the USA stadium collapsed from not being able stand the weight of the snow. They say Qatar is not a football nation, most countries are football nations and I'm sure their next generation will be better!.
wait a min everyone...what is this...are some of us being against the bid....hmmm.."click click!" (changing to angry local n wannabe mode!) (shouting angrily) u dont deserve to be here if u dont support...get outta my country...yallah barah ruuh!!!
the same was said about South Africa.
I'm just waiting for the moment with the Qatar 2022 people break it to the Qataris that under FIFA rules, alcohol MUST be sold in the football stadiums.
That's gonna be a fun moment:
@Redtreble....good point, thats the point I and many more were making when the bid process was underway. The WC is what it is (basically a big 4-5 week party for fans)and country's who host have to adapt. Qatar needs to create an environment where fans are going to have a great time, without fans you don't have atmosphere or a WC. Qatar is in for a big shock and awakening for sure. Good luck to them, I honestly beleive they don't know what they've let themselves in for.
2022 will be a disaster. Not necessarily because of the organisation, or the fact they’ll be attempting to play football in 50 degree heat. It will be a disaster because a conservative country like Qatar will simply never be able to deal with the onslaught of European Football Fans, especially the English (assuming England qualify of course). Just try to picture English Football Fans walking round somewhere like the Souq or Katara. I can almost imagine what’s going to happen...
OK break granted.... ;)
but starting from Asian games till yesterday..
Which one they arranged properly?
and Ya.. they have to accept that Qatar is not a developed country.. Qatar is developing country. which need some more decays to develop its infrastructure, thinking, managing power, accept the ground realities,
and looking to the current situation, i don't think so that 2022 event will be a successful event. by 2022 Qatar's population will be at least 10% increased, and the current infrastructure will collapse directly unfortunately..
I wish all the best to Qatar and specially to policy makers and planners..
(clap clap clap!) well done doha chap..... yallah heres ur shiny new passport....:-p
Not surprisingly, Qatar does not have a well-developed social and sports events planning and organizing strategic structures. It’s a developing country for God’s sake!
Yes. It’s true they screw up here and there sometimes. but that’s the best way to learn in life.
However Qatar has enacted impressive reforms during the last 15 years. Even though no real systematic transformation took place, remarkable changes have been introduced.
Oh yeah, the 2022 World Cup is going to be such a success story for people to talk about and remember for generations to come. Perhaps literally. The prospect of Qatar playing host to the ’22 Cup just keeps getting better and better.
I've seen it before too many time ingnerio, when I along with more than 3000 ticket holders were left out of the Asian cup final. It's not mis-managed the first time and I am sure it wont be the last.
So Keep on Expecting Amazing.. Because all you can do is EXPECT!
Expect every time is also not a good option. but it can lead to some misunderstanding ;)
and Yup i heard about that story.. so sad, you were also present with them...
Currently i always think about the 2022. what they are going to do with that...
That's how you will know the pages under the cover of the book.
Raise your hand if any of this is surprising. I fail to see why even the simple task of hosting a football match turns into such a frenzy of ineptitude in this country.
UkEngr, thumbs up.... u said it before me.. i was going to write the same thing.. but when scrolled down. saw you already said it.. :)
anyways ...
UkEngr, thumbs up.... u said it before me.. i was going to write the same thing.. but when scrolled down. saw you already said it.. :)
anyways ...
last night at 10 pm while going back home i was really amazed how police was trying to control the traffic after the match between barazil and egypt, i was thinking what they will do in 2022 worldcup.
I guess it should EXCEPT amazing...:)
by another 50 years there will b proper infrastructure fer watching football matches atleast.....dont worry..
There were toilets allocated for women last night. I know this because I tried to walk into one, not realising! I got sent to the next stand to use the men's toilets.
As for parking, are you really surprised? Have you seen how they park in this country? We made sure we parked somewhere where we couldn't get blocked in, left 5 mins before the end and were home by about 10.15.
I'm guessing you don't go to many football matches...
Expect Amazing!!!
ok so now the cattle proding is out! whew!!....now onto the toilets... lols :-p
seriously jus like che guevera above me said....are u surprised??
There are so many empty sit inside the stadium but they said ticket was no more...finish.
But, second half they sell a ticket again and many of Indonesian fan was managed to get the ticket..
But sadly,they won't let them in even with a ticket in hand...
anyway, enjoy football.....
You miss the game here in Stadium, better sit at home, watching LIVE in TV....is much much better...
I would have been surprised if it was managed properly...may be even got an heart attack...but now I am OK, feeling good... one positive side to their failure everytime is atleast the organisers of any & every event here can claim that they live upto their standards/ expectations everytime without fail. And like every time we will have some positive thinkers hoping that things will improve someday, though NEVER has 100% probability.
Things here are improving and will get better in time. Slowly but surely.
My warmest congratulations to the Samba boiz! & hard luck for the other team.
Is this a surprise to you???