But isn't that why most if not all crimes are committed today. The lack of fear.. people don't fear God,hell or even the law makers anymore. Look around us.. how many terrible crimes are being committed today and so many criminals are being freed after just "slaps on their wrists" type penalties.

Of course there are courts and people of authority to report to. Like the cops, judges, etc. But so many of them are corrupt that these terrible inhuman acts are going either tottally unpunished or with some minor penalty. And to be honest I don't think to such demonic individuals who cause such anguish to others actually believe or care if they are expelled from Islam due to their sins. I doubt they bother what God has to think drunk as they are on evil and arrogance. 

Take the crime of oppression..Islam warns that oppresors will face great punishments for their crime and yet does this deter the man hell bent on oppressing? No it dosen't cos obviously he does not care or fear God, religion,law makers etc. Likewise murder. We know a person who murders another unlawfully will enter hell yet do you think any of those thrill killers out there care what Islam has to say. For such people only harsh punishments will work in this world,when they are caught, for they clearly don't care about the hearafter and don't fear hell and God.