I don't know...Back then when the Prophet died his companions were alive and able to take control and do what they had to do in order to punish wrongdoers. Then after those first three genaration past there came about others who were not as strongwilled and upright.As of now the people who should take actions,the rulers and those placed in charge, are clearly not doing all they should to quell evil. Things seem to be getting from bad to worse.

Today we have scholars who are night and day calling people to do what's right and just and to shone evil actions and oppressions, and yet these scholars are not given any authority or rights to bring the wrong doers to the book.Their voices are hardly heard except by those who actually already fear their Lord and are out there seeking knowledge.

I believe wrong doing will be corrected before the day of judgement at the very least by the second coming of 'Isa/ Jesus Peace be upon Him. He will be the just ruler who the whole world needs today.

Our Prophet prophesized the widespread of evil and turmoil surrounding the re apearance of Jesus, and God protect us,that's exactly how things seem to be heading towards now.