Yes you are right as in to say a rich man who has a more relaxed life can on an average visit more prostitutes or have more lovers than a guy who is not as better off but in SL I know many many men do take mistresses and/or visit prostitutes whilst been married,even those who struggle to make ends meet and have many responsibilities.Its considered quite normal for a great number of folks so much so that if a guy cheats he has he's buddies support and help!So many marriages/relationships of even very close friends and family members of mine have either ended or gone through a terrible patch due to their partners been unfaithful.  And for me cheating on your partner even once in a lifetime is still very very bad. 

Bottom line is Gadarene(I'm sorry if I ever mispell your user name,k? its a tough one to type specially when I'm sleepy!) whether a man does it once or a hundred times over unfaithfullness is just something I find very unpardonable. And when it is done by people who should know better it just becomes all the more sickening.