A maid is not equal to a slave. Having sexual relations with a maid is,no mincing words and no exceptions, haraam and adultery, and should rightfully be punished by shriah law. But here is where wasta,money,corruption etc come in to play. Sad to say many wives don't bother to report their husbands either for their own reasons.However if they wish they can with clever detective work easily catch him out in the act and hand him over to the authorities. But again perhaps they know how corrupt certain law makers are so will not do so. But any true religious scholar of Islam,who truly follows the Quran and Sunnah will tell you that these acts are  by all means haraam,despicable and carries great punishments by God both in this world and the next. 

Rather than preventing Morrocan's from becoming maids I wish these wives concentrated more of ridding themselves and society itself of such filthy individuals who bring such disrepute and corruption to the land where in lies the most sacred places to us Muslims.

Sorry mods and GOJ if this post is in anyway violating QL guidlines. I'm assuming its after all a part of the topic posted.