Firstly, yes people do pay as little as 1000- 1500QAR a month, however this is a self perpetuating level. The more people in these forum topics say it is the norm, the longer it will remain so.
This is not a decent or acceptable amount to pay someone who probably works at least a 50 hour week. I certainly pay my nanny (note I do not call her maid) a lot more than this and she has 2 days off a week.
I have been criticised by other people that I am spoiling it for them by giving my maid an inflated salary and if I do it they will have to pay more to their maids.
Please people, pay your domestic help (or whatever you want to call them) a good salary and if you say that you cannot afford to pay them well, then you can damn well pick up after yourselves - the age of serfdom is over.
wow - what is going on here???
Firstly, yes people do pay as little as 1000- 1500QAR a month, however this is a self perpetuating level. The more people in these forum topics say it is the norm, the longer it will remain so.
This is not a decent or acceptable amount to pay someone who probably works at least a 50 hour week. I certainly pay my nanny (note I do not call her maid) a lot more than this and she has 2 days off a week.
I have been criticised by other people that I am spoiling it for them by giving my maid an inflated salary and if I do it they will have to pay more to their maids.
Please people, pay your domestic help (or whatever you want to call them) a good salary and if you say that you cannot afford to pay them well, then you can damn well pick up after yourselves - the age of serfdom is over.
A decent days wages for a decent days work!