How is this in any form or fashion a human rights issue?
Leaving that silly statement aside - have you made a formal complaint, documenting all your issues with dates and times IN WRITING to the City Centre management office (requesting a written response in return) or are you like the rest of the whingers, just complaining to us (most of whom LIKE the new system because we can now find a parking space)?
As for comparing one city to another, yes it is a reasonable comparison because the reason for the high cost is because of the lack of parking and because of people in other buildings who abused it when it was free. I don't pay the same amount in my hometown as I would in cities like London, New York or Rome because the demand is not as high or constant. In Doha, demand is high at City Centre, therefore they charge a rate that the market will bear, and obviously a large number of people are willing to pay it.
How is this in any form or fashion a human rights issue?
Leaving that silly statement aside - have you made a formal complaint, documenting all your issues with dates and times IN WRITING to the City Centre management office (requesting a written response in return) or are you like the rest of the whingers, just complaining to us (most of whom LIKE the new system because we can now find a parking space)?
As for comparing one city to another, yes it is a reasonable comparison because the reason for the high cost is because of the lack of parking and because of people in other buildings who abused it when it was free. I don't pay the same amount in my hometown as I would in cities like London, New York or Rome because the demand is not as high or constant. In Doha, demand is high at City Centre, therefore they charge a rate that the market will bear, and obviously a large number of people are willing to pay it.