Each country has its own rules and regulations. For some reason, some nationalities are restricted in Qatar. And guess what, it is Government's rights to set up the rules, based on different reasons, like SECURITY, like property protection, and other..

you say, in Canada (your homeland) we have Human Right Act.  But you are not HOME here. You cannot come to someone's country and request them to live by YOUR rules. they have their own rules, which we have to either adopt or to leave the country. I don't see any problem here. Qatar brings to work whoever they want. It is thier country, it is thier money! You cannot dictate them WHOM this money should be paid to!

I am sorry to hear your story, but again, you are not home here.

why is your husband trying to get a job in Qatar anyway? why wouldn't you go to either Canada or Nigeria, and try to get a job there?