the careless person and the real looser is the person who does not care about him/her self and carry this disease as nothing is happened to him or her.
A stupid person is a person who knows that walking in dangereous way will not cause any trouble, trouble from a dangereous way will be minimized only if there is a luck and proper tools were used.
This message is to those people who travels for f**k and s*x, drug,...etc,
please respect your values if you have some, remember your wife your children who needs you, please maintain yourself for them, your life is great gift so why do spoil it, see those many who whish to have good life but they can not, please remember your brothers,sisters, mother, fathe, your sons, please let them be happy to see you healthy.
the careless person and the real looser is the person who does not care about him/her self and carry this disease as nothing is happened to him or her.
A stupid person is a person who knows that walking in dangereous way will not cause any trouble, trouble from a dangereous way will be minimized only if there is a luck and proper tools were used.
This message is to those people who travels for f**k and s*x, drug,...etc,
please respect your values if you have some, remember your wife your children who needs you, please maintain yourself for them, your life is great gift so why do spoil it, see those many who whish to have good life but they can not, please remember your brothers,sisters, mother, fathe, your sons, please let them be happy to see you healthy.